This is a list of all the bands we have written about on the site. The list shows what kind of information the band page contains. Here is a short explanation:
Green text in the Info column means that the actual band page has information written by the staff. It can be a band profile, live pictures, biographies etc.
Yellow text in the News column shows the date of the latest news item. The number in the () shows the number of news items on each band page
Red text in the Articles column shows how many articles the staff has written about the band. Links to the articles are on the band page.
Daily SpotlightReingold - Universe Variety is the spice of life and bassist and ivory tickler Jonas Reingold's brainchild thrives on it. Many moods and emotions.... Read full review
Retro Reviews (Tommy) Symphony X - The Damnation Game After their great debut the band had to show if they could top it, and I believe they did. With the extremely talented Russell Allen on board the band had landed a very important piece in the puzzle, .... Read full review
(Hashman) Rush - Counterparts It was the long awaited return for many fans to a more guitar based sound, shying away from the more pop keyboard oriented sound that we all know and love. Riding on the heels of two stripped down rec.... Read full review