DVD Reviews - Table of contents

Number of reviews: 47

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DVD ratings
1 - Horrifying
2 - Terrible
3 - Bad
4 - Below average
5 - Average
6 - Good
7 - Very good
8 - Outstanding
9 - Genius
10 - Masterpiece!

Now showing: All DVD reviews.

Band TitleReviewerDate
Primal Fear16.6 - All Over The WorldStuart9/12/2010
KissKissology vol. 3Michael3/19/2010
Hanoi RocksBuried AliveMichael12/30/2009
Jeff BeckPerforming This week....Live at Ronnie Scott'sMichael4/27/2009
TeslaCumin' Atcha LiveMichael1/20/2009
Arch EnemyTyrants of the Rising Sun: Live in Japan Stuart1/12/2009
CinderellaIn ConcertMichael7/28/2008
Bret MichaelsRock of LoveMichael5/19/2008
WhitesnakeLive in the Still of the Night 2004Alanna1/30/2008
Iced EarthAlive in AthensStuart1/22/2008
Phil VaroneWaking Up DeadMichael11/20/2007
Nasty IdolsRejects on the RoadMichael7/4/2007
L.A. Guns"Loud and Dangerous" Live from HollywoodMichael5/31/2007
The QuireboysOne More for the RoadMichael3/31/2007
StyxStyx and The Contemporary Youth Orchestra Of Cleveland ´One With Everything´Brian3/13/2007
ManowarThe Day The Earth Shook - The Absolute PowerSteen3/5/2007
GirlThe Rare DVD CollectionMichael2/14/2007
TNTLive in MadridMichael11/9/2006
Eric Adams & Chester MooreWild Life & Wild TimesAlanna10/13/2006
Donnie VieDVieD-EPMichael8/9/2006
Seventh KeyLive in AtlantaAlanna3/3/2006
KissRock The Nation LiveMichael2/24/2006
ManowarHell On Earth Part IVSteen1/8/2006
Mob RulesSign of the Times LiveHashman12/4/2005
Paul GilbertSpace Ship LiveMichael9/2/2005
TalismanWorld´s best kept secretMichael4/28/2005
IQIQ20 - The Twentieth Anniversary ShowHashman2/21/2005
RainbowInside Rainbow 1975-1979Alanna2/8/2005
QueenGreatest Video Hits Volume 2Alanna5/11/2004
G3Live In Denver (Joe Satriani/Steve Vai/Yngwie Malmsteen)Hashman4/13/2004
Judas PriestElectric EyeHashman4/13/2004
ManowarHell on Earth Part IIISteen12/11/2003
HardlineLive at The Gods 2002Michael11/29/2003
NightwishEnd of innocenceSteen11/19/2003
RushRush In RioHashman11/10/2003
SaxonThe Saxon ChroniclesTommy8/30/2003
DioEvil or DivineHashman8/9/2003
Fates WarningThe View From HereHashman8/6/2003
Iron MaidenVisions of the BeastHashman8/6/2003
MetallicaClassic albums - MetallicaHashman7/7/2003
Deep PurpleConcerto for Group and Orchestra - In Concert Live at the Royal Albert HallHashman5/15/2003
Axel Rudi PellKnight Treasures (Live and more)Michael2/23/2003
OverkillWrecking everythingSteen2/15/2003
ManowarFire and BloodSteen12/13/2002

Daily Spotlight
Reingold - Universe
CoverVariety is the spice of life and bassist and ivory tickler Jonas Reingold's brainchild thrives on it. Many moods and emotions....
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Retro Reviews

AC/DC - High Voltage
CoverIt could very well be that it's a long way to the top of Rock N' Roll, but here thirty years after the release of their debut album, AC/DC is at the very peak of Rock music and have been there for wha....
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Legs Diamond - Town Bad Girl
Cover"Town Bad Girl" was a triumphant return for Legs Diamond. The band released their first album back in 1977 and "Town Bad Girl" has one foot in Legs Diamonds' 70's legacy and another in 80's Hard Rock.....
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