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What is your name and your current position in the band?

a. Rick Wartell / Guitar
b. Shane Pasqualla /Vocals/Guitar
c. Rich Gardner /Bass
d. Scott Davidson /Drums

Tell us about the history of the band. More specifically, when was the band formed, how did you meet, and have there been any particular highlights or lowpoints in your career, any crucial events that have taken you where you are today?

a. I think it was 1996, I met Shane Pasqualla while I was on tour with Trouble. We became friends and started writing songs together. A year or so later, He moved to Chicago to help launch the band.. Several months later, He moved back to WV . He and I both started families at that time and put Wet Animal on hold. 2003 we decided it was time to get together and release the animal again. Escapi gave us a recording deal and here we are.

Was there ever a time when you wondered if your band would remain just a local outfit and never make it in the industry?

a. Never

How would you categorize the style of the band?

a. Rock/Metal, But I believe there's more the further you look.

Did you ever consider or try playing other styles of music than the one(s) you are playing now?

a. Not really, We just play and what comes out, comes out.

Can you share with us one or two of your favourite moments with the band?

a. Mostly live performances, We really like the stage and have tons of fun up there.

How is the writing process in the band?

a. Shane and I write the songs, No particulare method, It just happens.

What brought you on the path to becoming a musician? Did you ever consider or take any other paths through life besides music?

a. The first time I heard Sabbath (Sweet Leaf) is what started it for me. Yes, I've done other things to survive. Mostly Cheffing, I did own my own gourmet fish market for a while.

Do you have any idols? If yes, who?

a. Anyone who understands the importance of enjoying each day while were here.
b. People with a positive outlook on life.

Do you have any regrets looking back at your career? For example any songs or even full albums that you regret recording? If so, what made you regret it?

a. Not at all, It is a privilege to do this, And learn from it.

Are there particular songs in your catalogue that the fans love but you're not particular fond of yourself?

a. No!

How important do you rate the lyrical side of your albums?

a. Just as important as the music, I think it's important to relate to people and touch them in some way. I relate to songs the same as everybody else.

What do you think about the state of the music industry today?

a. I think it goes through stages, And now it's in a lull. Everything is sounding the same to me. It's time for some fresh music to be played on the radio instead of the same old stuff over and over.

What do you think is the best way to fight music piracy?

a. I have no idea, I'm just a musician.

Do you have a life philosophy? If yes, what is it?

a. Work hard, Play hard.

Can you describe a typical day in your life?

a. No

What do you like to spend your time with besides music?

a. Nature, and family.

What's the craziest thing that has ever happened on a tour?

a. I don't know, the whole thing is crazy.

You're heading off to live on a deserted island for a couple of years with your portable entertainment system... Which albums, movies or books would you bring? (Max. 3 of each)

a. UFO/ Force it
b. Deep Purple / In Rock
c. Sabbath / Vol 4
Good fellas
A stack of fishing magazines

What is your favourite joke?

a. Look at my thumb, There's an elephant on your head.
b. Nobody gets it. Me either.

Can you tell us about any future plans for you and your band?

a. Arena Tours

Thanks for answering these questions. Now you are free to write a few lines to our readers.

a. Cant wait to get on the road and meet as many friends as we can. Come see us on tour and visit us at

Rick Wartell

Added by Steen - 10/26/2005

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Wet Animal - Official Website

RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Terry Abate (Anonymous) - Saturday, November 5, 2005
From what I heard so far I think this band's got it!

Comment by Karen (Anonymous) - Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I just love the Cd and cant waite to see the band LIVE.

Comment by Georgette (Anonymous) - Wednesday, November 30, 2005
This has turned into my favorite band almost overnight.

Comment by Larry (Anonymous) - Tuesday, December 13, 2005
This band has a sound like no other! It rocks you from start to end!

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