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What is your name and your current position in the band?
Simon Kostro: the possessor of the voice of out the hellish depths, hehehe

Tell us about the history of the band. More specifically, when was the band formed, how did you meet, and have there been any particular highlights or low points in your career, any crucial events that have taken you where you are today?
The band was formed about 4 years ago. It`s hard to say when exactly. At the beginning there was a problem with finding the proper band members. After that, we were focused on playing together as much as it`s possible and we were trying to create the proper vision of the whole band. Of course there were highlights, like publishing our first demo, and then we got great feedback from a lot of people. Another good thing was a tour with legendary Paul Dianno and Thunderbolt. We won about 9 rock/metal conquests around Poland in summer 2009 and we got the first prizes everywhere. And the last one, so far, is releasing our debut album in our country and Japan. And low points - if there were any low points, we are trying not to remember that stuff, we are going forward, and we are not trying to look backward.

Was there ever a time when you wondered if your band would remain just a local outfit and never make it in the industry?
I think that every musician who is catching the guitar, playing piano or whatever is dreaming about the big, bright carrier... Dreaming about thousands of fans, selling the CD`s and stuff like that. We are not hypocrites, but on the other side, we didn`t leave our dreams only in our heads. We decided plan everything and we tried to make "small steps forward". There was no rush. Right now we are happy about our debut album, and we are very surprised about the opinions of the metal world. They are all great, and we are willing to get more, hehehe.
What is your latest album and why should people buy it?
Our first and only debut album is "Beyond The Space, Beyond The Time", and you should buy it because it`s not a pop-rap shit music played in Macdonald`s while you are eating your double cheese-burger. There is only a double bass pedal instead of the cheeseburger, hehehe. We are big music fans, and we are going to kick your asses at live gigs, soon.
How would you categorize the style of the band? And did you ever consider or try playing other styles of music than the one(s) you are playing now?
For me it`s hard to categorize what we are playing now. Most likely it`s just a power metal with some speed and symphonic parts for many fans. We are trying to be open minded, and we are not trying to close the band style only in power metal. There is no sense doing this...We are looking forward to see the changes on the second album. We are still looking, we are listening, and we are trying to bring some FRESH parts to it. I hope we are well on our way.

Can you share with us one or two of your favourite moments with the band?
The best moments are when we are playing the live shows, and after then, people are coming to us, are talking with all band members, they are buying CD`s which we are signing for them, and we are drinking a cold beer together. That`s the best moment for any band, cause you know that you are not alone... When you have support from people like we get, everything becomes brighter and easier. Believe me....

How is the writing process in the band?
The main person who is responsible for the lyrics is Arkhain. Our lyrics can be double-sided, and most of them are. Some people are asking us "Why you are singing about all those dragons and dwarfs? They doesn`t exist!". Then I am answering "Why are black metal bands are singing about Satan?  You ever seen that guy? He doesn`t exist!", hehehe. We all agree that kind of lyrics fits perfectly to that kind of metal. Arkhain (bass-player) and Karol (guitar) are also the main composers in the band. The are creating the ideas, and they are also giving us a first view of the new songs. Then we are trying to work on them together. If any member of the band have any idea or vision - we are also listening to it. The writing process is simple, as you can see.

What brought you on the path to becoming a musician? Did you ever consider or take any other paths through life besides music?
Hmmm. In my opinion decisions like that are very natural and they come independently. To be honest, I am not even calling myself a musician - this word is too big for me. Mozart, Beethoven and others were a musicians and I can`t even compare to them. I think that the most important thing about this whole "playing metal" is that it has to bring you a positive energy and it has to be fun. Why are so many people doing this? For money? For fame? No fucking way...They are doing this, they are playing together cause it`s a lot of fun, it`s your "parallel world" which is only yours and the only limits are made by you. It's hard to say what I am going to do in next 10-15 years. I never even though that our CD`s would be released in Japan. I am trying to do the best I can for now one and I am trying not to think about everything so far forward. Time will show. If band will split I will become the music journalist and I`ll be blowing off my steam to different bands, hehehe.
Do you have any idols? If yes, who?
My idols? I do have a big respect for all people who are doing what they love, and they are still normal guys at the same time. Like Ozzy Osbourne lets say, or Steve Harris... There are also a lot of people who I would like to meet - one day I hope to meet the vocalist of Anvil band, called "Lips". I would like to shake a hand of this guy and drink some polish vodka. That would be a great time. If you don`t know what I am saying please watch the Anvil movie ("Anvil! The Story of Anvil" - 2008). It`s worth it...
Do you have any regrets looking back at your career? For example any songs or even full albums that you regret recording?  If so, what made you regret it?
No. We do not regret anything.... There is only one thing - festival in Wroclaw called FAMA in 2009. The most stupid shit we ever took part in... We came to Wroclaw to only play a 20 minute show, but at the beginning the boss of the FAMA told us that we cannot use our backline and we need to use things on stage. We were a little surprised that we could not use our equipment and we are going to sound exactly like all the rock bands involved. We were trying to explain that small amps and not triggered drums are not comfortable for that kind of fast music, but the guy didn`t listen to us...So we showed him a middle finger and we came back to our hometown. He didn`t expect that... That was a nice trip to Wroclaw...
Are there particular songs in your catalogue that the fans love but you're not particular fond of yourself?
Please remember, we are just beginners... We do not have a "catalogue" with our songs. We are willing to have one in near future though, hehehe. We are playing only the songs from our debut album so are listeners have nothing to say! (Joke). I hope that one day we'll have a problem with choosing the songs for live gigs - It would be great to have THAT kind of problems.  
How important do you rate the lyrical side of your albums?
It depends on the artists and listeners, of course.... Do you understand the lyrics in death metal or grindcore songs? Do you know what are the people singing in the opera about? Sometimes I am willing to read the booklet and see what the guys are "talking about", but sometimes the music is showing everything without it. The lyrics are important but if they are not together combined with the music, then nothing really matters.
What do you think about the state of the music industry today?
I am trying not to complain. What it`s going to change? We are willing to play good music, and we are doing it. I think that these days most of the people are treating music only as a product, but I really do not care about that. I am looking at myself, and I am always willing to show nice music to the others. I very open minded person. If you don`t like it, fuck you, heheh. Music industry is the same like other industries. The "dark side" is everywhere, no matter what you do.
What do you think is the best way to fight music piracy?
Why do you want to fight with it? I am not a crazy asshole - I know that nobody can stop the internet era. Without internet I would be listening to Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin and some polish bands - ONLY. I cannot afford to buy all the CD`s which I would like to. It`s GREAT! If I am reading some interview with an unknown band like ours, hehehe, you can just type our name in Google, and you can listen to our music at the same time. Isn`t that great? My father told me about the old vinyl shops at the late 80`s. You couldn`t buy anything then - especially music. You had to wait even for a couple of weeks to get one Judas Priest vinyl. Maybe these days had some magic about it, but now everything is easier. Fighting with internet is nonsense. You have to use it as the basic way of communication to our fans.  People who are willing to help the band will buy the merchandise no matter what. Internet is blessing, not a curse.

Do you have a life philosophy? If yes, what is it?
Sex, alcohol and good rock and roll....Do I have to add anything? It`s important to have a fun, and have a good time. Life is a big party, and one day you`ll have to leave.
"I mean - what have you got to lose?
You know, you come from nothing - you're going back to nothing.
What have you lost? Nothing!"
Can you describe a typical day in your life?
Hmmm. In the morning I am working, as everyone does. When I am coming back from work I am trying to do something for the band- like answering the review, or I am trying to help Arkhain in anything for Pathfinder. If not, I am jogging, swimming etc. As you can see I am a normal guy - I can`t afford destroying the hotel rooms, and I am unable to pay for 5 girls in my bed, hehehe. I hope it will change one day...The day when I`ll quit the job will be the beginning. Life is not easy...
What do you like to spend your time with besides music?
I am trying to keep fit. I started jogging, and I love to swim. I am also trying to read and watch the movies, but believe me, for me the day is supposed to be at least 36 hours long.... There`s so many things I would like to do....
What's the craziest thing that has ever happened on a tour?
To be honest we haven't done a lot of tours. But we are doing a lot of stupid and crazy stuff all the time. When we are closed in the small van for many hours, believe it or not, it`s the most crazy thing you can do. But if I would like to choose one thing then I would chose selling pants with some shit inside, of our guitar player on e-bay. We made real pictures of it, and somebody just bought them....can you imagine???

You're heading off to live on a deserted island for a couple of years with your portable entertainment system... Which albums, movies or books would you bring? (Max. 3 of each).
First Iron Maiden Album "Iron Maiden", Lost Horizon "A flame to the Ground Beneath", Queen "The best". To be honest - I would like also to take my laptop with wireless internet....Can I???

What is your favourite joke?
I do love the "Monty Python" joke. The one which was used in the war...Anyone who reads or hears it promptly dies from laughter!!!
Can you tell us about any future plans for you and your band?
Gigs, playing live, concerts, touring and promoting the debut album.  We are looking forward to play the long tour with some headliner...If we could share the stage with Helloween, Stratovarius, Sonata Arctica or stars like Children of Bodom it would be best thing in the whole world for us.
Thanks for answering these questions. Now you are free to write a few lines to our readers.

Thank You very much for the interview. That means a lot to us! Without feedback it would be very hard to exist as a band. Keep on listening to good music and be open-minded to different styles. Cheers to all metal maniacs around the world!!!

Added by Stuart - 9/20/2010

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Album Review - Beyond the Space Beyond the Time

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Pathfinder - Official WebsitePathfinder - Official MySpace

RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Craig (Member) - Tuesday, September 21, 2010
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Comments: 134
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Namedropping Lost Horizon doesn't do anyone's credibility any harm in my book! Looking forward to hearing this album, eventually.

Posted by Craig
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Comment by Alanna (Staff) - Friday, September 24, 2010
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Comments: 245
That was a great interview, the part about the cheeseburgers cracked me up. These guys are very talented and deserve all the praise and publicity they can get.

Posted by Alanna (Staff)
Friday, September 24, 2010

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