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Thursday, February 23, 2006 - Beyond Twilight album news
News from Beyond Twilight:

"200(6) - a special year for Beyond Twilight'ers.

The release date for The Love Of Art And The Making is set for April 21st. Be sure to expect the most unique piece of music in the band's history. One ongoing composition containing 43 sections. The sections are all pieces of a puzzle, which you, the listener can put together to find the secrets of this complex and ambitious work.

The album has a meaning/lifeline from start to end but if you set your CD player on shuffle new doors to the meaning of the album will open for you. To be able to understand the dephts and complexity of the album you'll have to listen to it more than a few times.

Further to the news, the band state: "We are extremely proud of this album! And we couldn't find a better way to manifeste our 10 year anniversary."
Posted by: Steen

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What is your name and your current position in the band?

Jacob: Jacob Hansen: guitars and producer/engineer.

Exo: Exo, lead guitar

Finn Zierler: composer, writer, keyboard player, producer

Tell us about the history of the band. More specifically, when was the band formed, how did you meet, and have there been any particular highlights or low points in your career, any crucial events that have taken you where you are today?

Finn: The very early tracks of this band started in 1990 where I travelled to from one end of Sweden to the other to gather the band members. The band was at that time named Twilight. We released a couple of albums and did quite well selling 25.000 copies of our debut album. In 1996 I decided to change the lineup and therefore I extended the name to Beyond Twilight. This year we celebrate our 10 year anniversary. The lineup has been the same for the last 10 years except we extended to two guitar players in 2004 with Jacob Hansen and we have had different singers on our albums. Jorn Lande, Kelly Sundown Carpenter and Björn Jansson. Beyond Twilight has released 3 succesful albums. Low points - going to hospital after creating the albums. The highlights have been winning many different awards and nominations world wide.

Was there ever a time when you wondered if your band would remain just a local outfit and never make it in the industry?

Finn: I've never made any thoughts about making it in the industry. I do it for my passion and love for music not for the industry.

Jacob: I take 1 day at a time, and frankly I don't think about the future when it comes to music. If what I make today sounds good to myself tomorrow, it's a success for me. If more people like it, then it's even better.

What is your latest album and why should people buy it?

EXO "For the love of Art and the making" came out worldwide in april
2006.Buy it because it´s just simply FANTASTIC! Everyone in the band
used their extra gear for this one, and that you can really tell.
Amazing composition and great performance by everyone.

How would you categorize the style of the band? And did you ever consider or try playing other styles of music than the one(s) you are playing now?

EXO: BT is dark and bright at the same time. For the new album I think
that we´ve refined our style and sound to perfection. The changes
between "the devils hall of fame" and "Section X" have continued to
develop on the new CD. Finn´s sence of melody and harmony in writing
music is something extra. You can instantly hear that it is Beyond Twilight.

Can you share with us one or two of your favourite moments with the band?

EXO: My personal greatest moments are when we´re in the studio, and
someone(!) just flips out and start video recording all kinds of strange
shit. You never know what´s gonna happen with these guys.

How is the writing process in the band?

Jacob: Finn does the majority of writing, but we all get our space for whetever ideas and contributions we may have. He's not a dictator, haha! I just think he's the one with the best writing skills, so we do what we do best, and let him do what he's so great at!

What brought you on the path to becoming a musician? Did you ever consider or take any other paths through life besides music?

EXO: My father is a jazz piano player so in my case it came very natural. I´m interested in all kinds of shit but I couldn´t see myself as anything else than a musician.

Jacob: I simply knew that a "normal" job wasn't me. In 7th grade I remember my classmates knew exactly what they wanted to be, and I just listened to music and wanted to work with it somehow or another. I tried a lot of different things. I had a fanzine back in the late 80's, I ran a recordshop in the 90's, I played in a nationally very successful metal band, I had a small record label, and I ended up becoming a producer and engineer, and member of Beyond Twilight, which I both love.

Do you have any idols? If yes, who?

Jacob: Yes and no. I don't have the same teenage thing where one of my walls was plastered with King Diamond and Mercyful Fate pics. I was just sooo much into King Diamond and Mercyful Fate when I was a kid. I still love both immensely, but having idols in an age of 35 is hard. I have some people that I look up to and I think of mentors, but no idols.

EXO: I just love Slayer!

Do you have any regrets looking back at your career? For example any songs or even full albums that you regret recording? If so, what made you regret it?

Jacob: No. I've done everything with love to music, and if people ever think I stepped on their toes, they're wrong. Everything was done for love! I never regret any of the music I've recorded or performed. Everything was a part of the path that lead to where I am now, and going onwards.

Are there particular songs in your catalogue that the fans love but you're not particular fond of yourself?

Jacob: Well, it's awkward when people tell you, "Hey, your first demo from '88 was the best you've ever done!" To me, early recordings were great fun, but lacking a lot of the later skills, but it's cool that people like it.

How important do you rate the lyrical side of your albums?

Finn: The lyrics are very important. They are part of the different concepts of our albums. To every album there is a storybook as well. Both parts play important roles.

What do you think about the state of the music industry today?

Jacob: If you look at the Danish scene, and our part in the global metal industry, then I think it's never been brighter, but I'm seriously afraid of "growing old", in terms of not understanding what the kids see in this and that band. Because I've followed the scene for so long, a new generation that HAVEN'T heard the old classic albums have arisen, and they're now partly taking over the scene, and us "old guys" just have to move over, haha. But many of the newer bands are just recycling.

EXO: I never listen to new bands. I´m tying to find new stuff , but I fail all the time. For me It´s only old music of different kinds that excites me. Feels like everything´s already been done. It´s great to be in one of the few bands that I actually like!

What do you think is the best way to fight music piracy?

Jacob: Release albums that are of pure quality. It's not fun to have this great, great album - great cover, great music, great extra material etc. - as a silver CDR. You want the whole package when it's good music. If it's just mediocre, nobody wants to pay for the few spins it has in your player. I used to see it this way: When I started listening to metal, I went down to the local LP-store, and I picked up 5-10 LP's that looked great, or seemed familiar to me. I listened to the 10 albums and bought 1. I think many people does that today; they download 10 albums, end up listening to 2-3 songs off them all, start to love 1 of the downloaded albums, and buy it. The rest will end up in the trash one of the nearest days. You can't expect to sell numbers comparable to GunsNRoses and Metallica when the market is so flooded. Some sell. Some don't. Don't quit your day job! :)

Do you have a life philosophy? If yes, what is it?

Jacob: When you travel along life's road, don't forget to stop and eat the flowers.

Can you describe a typical day in your life?

Jacob: Up at 7:00. Breakfast for the kids - coffee for me. 8:30 off to kindergarten! 9:00 at the studio recording large quantities of poor metal (haha), 17:00 gotta go home even though the 3-hour guitarsolo could go on and on. 18:30 dinner! 21:00 check mails, some business, 22:00 watch lame TV programs to fill my head with completely unuseful information, and 23:00 go to bed. 23:30 somebody calls my cell phone and wants me to book studiotime for them - jerks! :)

EXO: Wake up, have a General Snus, practise, write e-mails, call people,
rehearse something, do a concert, watch Animal Planet and fall asleep.

What do you like to spend your time with besides music?

Jacob: My kids.

EXO: Walk all over Stockholm, stop by the rail yard and see some cool

What's the craziest thing that has ever happened on a tour?

Jacob: I've toured Europe twice and just leaving was crazy, so there you go.

You're heading off to live on a deserted island for a couple of years with your portable entertainment system... Which albums, movies or books would you bring? (Max. 3 of each)

Albums: Elvis Costello and Burt Bacharach "Painted From Memories", Stina Nordenstam "And She Closed Her Eyes".
Movies: Star Wars - all.
Books: everything of Naja Maria Aidt

EXO: Slayer´s Show no mercy, Tarkovskij´s Stalker and any Dürrenmatt novel.

What is your favourite joke?

Jacob: I hate jokes. There's hardly anything more primal than jokes. I hardly ever laugh at them. I don't even like when people tell me jokes. It's like we don't have anything else to talk about.

Can you tell us about any future plans for you and your band?

Finn: Hopefully touring

Jacob: I hope we can get out and perform live. It could be amazing.

EXO: Hopefully go on tour!

Thanks for answering these questions. Now you are free to write a few lines to our readers.

A big thanks to you for the interview. And a big thanks to our fans for support and loyalty. You mean everything to us.

Added by Steen - 5/23/2006

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Articles on this site

Album Review - Section X

Interview - Interview With Finn Zierler

Band Information - Band Information

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Beyond Twilight - Official Website

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