Top 100 Highest Rated Albums by Staff and Members

This page shows the highest rated albums on the site based on the combined average rating of staff and members.

An album must have more than one rating to be included on the list.

1. Metallica - Master Of Puppets
Average rating: 10/10

Some kind of monster? Oh yes, but not just any kind, this is of the fiercest and most aggressive species, a kind that keeps haunting you when bitten once, like a werewolf, the feeling just never leaves you again and what a lucky situation to find yourself in. Since every song is of extreme importance to this release, I will try to make t....

Link to full review by Tommy

2. Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons
Average rating: 10/10

Readers should be advised that the following is a commentary on the track "A Change of Seasons" and not the entire album itself. Although time is a linear concept, often enough we wish it was not. The past and present, our actions and change are what shape either a fortunate or unpleasant future for an individual. The only devices we have ....

Link to full review by Yoni

3. Iced Earth - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Average rating: 10/10

Let me start with saying that Iced Earth is one of my absolute favourite bands and that Something Wicked This Way Comes is one of my favourite albums of all time. I still become amazed when I listen to it. How can there be so many fantastic songs on one album? I guess I can't answer that, but I will try to comment on them. The bands brillia....

Link to full review by Tommy

4. Virgin Steele - The House Of Atreus Act I
Average rating: 10/10

Kingdom Of The Fearless. A Barbaric-Romantic Opera! If you think that secondary title sounds dramatic and full of tension, wait to you hear the album. This grand opus contains a unique mix of Heavy, Power and Symphonic Metal and a special inexplicable element known to connoisseurs as "the Virgin Steele touch", said in a another way this albu....

Link to full review by Tommy

5. Disarmonia Mundi - Fragments of a D-Generation
Average rating: 10/10

I don't even know where to start with this review. This record has buried its way into my heart, and into my top three albums of all time (along with Children of Bodom's "Hatebreeder" and Soilwork's "A Predator's Portrait") with its epic greatness. I don't even think that I can do this album justice with my own words, but I will try my hardes....

Link to full review by Jonah

6. Virgin Steele - Invictus
Average rating: 9.9/10

When it comes to this album, it is no underestimation to say that it has it all; this is my favourite album with my favourite band. The Invictus concept is quite profound and features different characters and dialogues, the battle between man and gods being the turning point, the lyrics are extremely well written, intriguing and creative. ....

Link to full review by Tommy

7. Metallica - ...And Justice For All
Average rating: 9.83/10

What presents itself from the first creeping guitar lines in Blackened to the final drum attack has faded in Dyers Eve is a forceful lesson in how to combine hardness, melody, drama, anger, technicality and song-writing skills that enters a league of its own. Even though I would point at Master Of Puppets a....

Link to full review by Tommy

8. Bruce Dickinson - Accident Of Birth
Average rating: 9.75/10

Accident Of Birth is one of those rare and really special highlights in the history of classic Heavy Metal. Bruce's solo career has been highly successful with many great albums, this one being his best in my opinion. It has all the elements needed for making a most phenomenal record. With Adrian Smith at his side you could expect a lot of ....

Link to full review by Tommy

9. Alice Cooper - Welcome to my nightmare
Average rating: 9.75/10

"Welcome to My Nightmare" was the first solo album from Alice Cooper. Alice Cooper stopped his collaboration with the Alice Cooper band including Michael Bruce and Glen Buxton - despite hit singles like Schools Out and No More Mr. Nice Guy. Alice Cooper retained the name and hired Lou Reed's b....

Link to full review by Michael

10. Iron Maiden - Live After Death
Average rating: 9.75/10

Oh dear. A live album. The first from the band, if you don't count Maiden Japan, a EP release from 1981. This is a true classic. The sound is far superior to any live album recorded up to 1985. It is regarded as one of the 3-4 best live recordings ever and still is to this date. The songs were recorded during the World Slavery Tour at Long Bea....

Link to full review by Ulrick

11. Dream Theater - Images And Words
Average rating: 9.66/10

Where do one start to review this spellbinding disc? It doesn't really matter would be a short answer, everything is totally brilliant and Images And Words to a large extent altered the way Metal and music in general was expected to sound like at its release in 1992.Song writing, lyrics, performance and production all make up a spectacular....

Link to full review by Tommy

12. Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
Average rating: 9.66/10

Well it all begins here. Maybe it is taking my mouth full to say that ALL metal starts here (he he he), but at least its the start for Maiden and the start of the NWOBHM along with Saxon and Samson. But Maiden had the luck and the talent to make it big. Really big. They had been offered several record deals, but band leader/founder and bas....

Link to full review by Ulrick

13. Eternity X - The Edge
Average rating: 9.66/10

This is surely one of the most amazing, special and dramatic albums ever. I listen to it over and over and still find it completely groundbreaking in both concept and musical style.Easily said it's Progressive Metal with a lot of atmospheric keyboard, heavy riffs, detailed drums, complex bass and Keith Sudano's brilliant varied voice. ....

Link to full review by Tommy

14. Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime - Remastered and Expanded
Average rating: 9.64/10

Any music critic will tell you that just about any band has their "Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band," "Dark Side of the Moon," or "Led Zeppelin IV" per se, speaking of an influential album that a band creates on a creative peak, revolutionizing production and performance, while being hailed by fans and music lover alike. Operation: Mindcri....

Link to full review by Hashman

15. Blind Guardian - Nightfall In Middle-Earth
Average rating: 9.62/10

Are you in to J.R.R Tolkien and concepts albums? Then you have come to the right place brothers and sisters. This is one of the coolest Blind Guardian albums ever. The complexity of the tracks is vast, and so is the tracklist, which counts 22 tracks. About half of them are small interludes or instrumental tracks, and the 'real' tracks are bein....

Link to full review by Mads

16. Blind Guardian - Imaginations From The Other Side
Average rating: 9.62/10

This is clearly one of the most interesting and technical albums ever made. It did take me a long time to get into this album but I was literally heavily awarded in the end. It is very difficult to say what exact style this band and release is all about, a short answer would be quite a lot. The main element is Power Metal with tons of chang....

Link to full review by Tommy

17. Symphony X - The Divine Wings of Tragedy
Average rating: 9.62/10

One of the most popular acts in the progressive metal world is the band Symphony X. Comprised of five, this is an outfit that reshaped my view of contemporary music in the 90's and 00's through their unique brand of powerful, melodic and insightful music that toys with most of the senses. When I listen to The Divine Wings of Tragedy, I see t....

Link to full review by Yoni

18. Judas Priest - Painkiller
Average rating: 9.58/10

What can I say that hasn't already been said about Judas Priest? Not a lot I guess, but as Painkiller is my all time favorite Judas Priest album and as close as you come to a pure metallic masterpiece, it certainly deserves a mention here... Back in time when I first listened to the album I was completely blown away by its speed and power. ....

Link to full review by Steen

19. Iron Maiden - Piece of mind
Average rating: 9.5/10

The 4th album by this supergroup. By now they were way past the NWOBHM. They were one the most importnat Heavy Metal bands around. In Kerrang they won every reader-poll from 1982-1988!! Clive Burr had left the drum-stool and Nicko McBrain had taken the sticks."Life in Maiden was never the same again!" as it says in the booklet. An interesting ....

Link to full review by Ulrick

20. Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
Average rating: 9.5/10

Yet another year passed and Maiden met at Steves to write on the new album. When the different ideas came up from various band members there seemed to be a line between them The idea of a concept album, about the life of the seventh son with magical powers, was born. Actually "Somewhere In Time" was a kind of concept album but not in any way i....

Link to full review by Ulrick

21. Dream Theater - Awake
Average rating: 9.5/10

This is one of those albums that fits a certain state of mind nicely, for me this is when I'm feeling a bit melancholic and in need to drift off and get away form this stressing world for a while. The dark and captivating all embracing atmosphere that surrounds this magnificent album is one of the aspects that I like best about it, Kevin Moor....

Link to full review by Tommy

22. Metallica - Metallica
Average rating: 9.5/10

Some albums contain brilliant songs, some sound phenomenal, others manage to create a completely unique vibe...Metallica's self titled album did all of this and so much more and I don't think it will ever loose it's striking impact. After four albums with lots of aggression and speed, the band daringly decided on something a bit different, a ....

Link to full review by Tommy

23. Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane
Average rating: 9.5/10

I honestly think that the music on this album has to be some of the greatest music ever created. Not since "Streets: A rock opera" by Savatage has music touched my soul like this. I guess you can call Pain of salvation a progressive metal band. I don't care about the style they are labelled with as long as the music is good. And with each ....

Link to full review by Steen

24. Savatage - Hall of the mountain king
Average rating: 9.5/10

Those who thought that Savatage had gone soft with Fight for the rock only needed to listen to the first few seconds of 24 hrs. ago before that illusion is shattered. After Producer and Sava-saviour Paul O'Neill discovered the band, Savatage were quick to avenge their slight detour with this classic Heavy Metal album. Powerful....

Link to full review by Steen

25. Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon
Average rating: 9.5/10

Ah finally it came - I'm talking about the latest album Death Cult Armageddon from the Norwegian black metallers Dimmu Borgir. Their last studio album Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia became a huge success and was proclaimed as one of the greatest black metal albums of all time. It is always extremely hard to....

Link to full review by Anders

26. W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol - Double Remastered Edition
Average rating: 9.5/10

Whenever I hear this record, I think that Blackie Lawless hit the ultimate peak with this opus. It is an album that exceeded all expectations of any W.A.S.P. fan, finally brining the conceptual entity while adding a progressive edge to Lawless' arsenal of musical endeavors. By this point, Blackie was the only original member left, Chris Hol....

Link to full review by Hashman

27. Avantasia - The Metal Opera (Part II)
Average rating: 9.5/10

I was really looking forward to this release. I loved "Avantasia Part I" with its awesome melodic songs, great atmosphere and quite exciting story. It would be interesting to hear if Tobias Sammet could continue the high standard set by that album. Part II has the best start I could have imagined. Starting out with the 14 minute epic <stro....

Link to full review by Steen

28. Saviour Machine - I
Average rating: 9.5/10

I have found Saviour Machine to be a very special band. To me, Saviour Machine is one of the truly original bands to walk this earth. They are able to convey massive amounts of emotion through their brilliant music like no other band I know. Unfortunately they are also one of the most overlooked bands in history. Through time I will review....

Link to full review by Steen

29. Europe - Wings of Tomorrow
Average rating: 9.5/10

It has been about seventeen years now since the first electric breeze of "Stormwind" blew through my cassette player and became responsible for igniting a passion that has lasted just as long as I've owned the record itself. "Wings of Tomorrow" was my formal introduction to the world of hard rock and heavy metal and looking b....

Link to full review by Alanna

30. Accept - Restless & Wild
Average rating: 9.5/10

Restless & Wild was Accept's fourth album, follow-up to the magnificent Breaker, which more or less defined their style. These two albums are very closely related, being released with only one year in between. Drowning in many interesting and influential releases, such as Number Of The Beast (Iron Maiden),....

Link to full review by Nina

31. Dream Theater - Metropolis Pt.2: Scenes From A Memory
Average rating: 9.4/10

What this album creates of musical genius, strong feelings and pure magic cannot easily be said in words, but I will try anyway. The album is a concept about a person who becomes hypnotised and goes back in time, seeing and experiencing a story of two brothers who are in love with same girl. It ends in tragedy where the bad brother kills th....

Link to full review by Tommy

32. Iron Maiden - Powerslave
Average rating: 9.37/10

This album is the culmination of 4-5 years of very hard work. Constant touring and recording have made Maiden the metal act in 1984-85. Plays the gruelling World Slavery Tour that starts off in Poland August 9, 1984 and ends in California July 5, 1985 after 190 concerts. Truly amazing. The show is now with Eddie as a giant Sfinx and mummy beh....

Link to full review by Ulrick

33. Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast
Average rating: 9.33/10

Things really started to roll with this album. A UK No. 1 and a top ten single. The line-up had been changed again. Out went Paul Di'Anno and in with ex-Samson frontman Bruce Dickinson. With him came a whole new sound to Maiden. Not that he wrote anything for the album, but his vocal range meant new possibilities for Maiden. SH had written mos....

Link to full review by Ulrick

34. Saviour Machine - II
Average rating: 9.33/10

Once upon a time when I started my long journey into the world of Heavy Metal I often found bands that gave me a really special feeling inside when I listened to their music for the first time. It was a feeling of awe and amazement that music was able to create such vivid emotions and atmospheres. Nowadays I don't get this feeling very often. ....

Link to full review by Steen

35. Luca Turilli's Dreamquest - Lost Horizons
Average rating: 9.33/10

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine that this is Luca Turilli's personal work of art. An album that he invested alot of time and effort into that likely detracted from the inspiration spark for cobbling together the disc that many true metal fans were anxiously awaiting: "The Infinite Wonders of Creation", the not-so grand finale t....

Link to full review by Alanna

36. Symphony X - The Odyssey
Average rating: 9.25/10

The Odyssey is the sixth and highly awaited release from this brilliant Progressive Power Metal band. From the first time I heard it, I new that this one was going to be truly special. The album opens fiercely with Inferno (Unleash The Fire), a monster heavy track with great fast guitar riffs and a stunning chorus, a song ....

Link to full review by Tommy

37. Vanden Plas - Beyond Daylight
Average rating: 9.25/10

This album took me a long time to get into, but it was surely worth the while. A dreaming, sedative, hypnotic and very pleasant mood seem to flow through this piece, and a lot of this has to do with Günter Werno's completely mind-blowing keyboard performance. He not only gives the songs melody, weight and drama, there is something special abo....

Link to full review by Tommy

38. Opeth - Still Life
Average rating: 9.25/10

When I first received "Still Life" from a friend of mine, I was speculative about the level of enjoyment I would achieve from listening. In the past I had heard a lot of negative feedback regarding the band "Opeth". Normally, I acknowledge opinions regarding music but rarely do I take them seriously. However in the case of "Opeth", I'd bee....

Link to full review by Yoni

39. Lost Horizon - A flame to the ground beneath
Average rating: 9.25/10

They have done it again. Lost Horizon have delivered a magnificent feast of powerful, agressive and melodic music, overflowing with emotion and positive spirits. After listening to A flame to the ground beneath for the past couple of months, I'm finally convinced. They have done the near-impossible and surpassed their ....

Link to full review by Steen

40. Dream Theater - Awake
Average rating: 9.25/10

It's really hard to believe that this album came out literally ten years ago. Right in the midst of the whole grunge/alternative rock experimentation schlock that was flooding airwaves at the time, came a highly welcomed record from prog-metal's forerunners that in terms of musicianship, was, and still is, way above all the mainstream armature....

Link to full review by Hashman

41. Guns N' Roses - Appetite For Destruction
Average rating: 9.25/10

When talking about albums that really shook the ground and shocked its time, Guns N' Roses' debut is among the most important releases and when listening to it so many ears after It's So Easy to understand the impact it had, the nerve and attitude coming from this raw experience leaves a deep mark. From the chunky double rhythm guitar jamming....

Link to full review by Tommy

42. Saviour Machine - Legend - Part I
Average rating: 9.25/10

Dubbed as "The unofficial soundtrack to the end of the world" the Legend project gives new meaning to the term concept album. This ultimate study of end-times Biblical prophecy was originally planned as a concept told through three separate releases, but here, 10 years and three releases down the road, I am still anxiously awaiting the conclus....

Link to full review by Steen

43. Riot - Thundersteel
Average rating: 9.25/10

Riot were formed by guitarist Mark Reale way back in 1975. Since then the New York City based band have released a not inconsiderable 13 albums. Many of them highly regarded by fans and critics alike. Why then do the vast majority of Metal listeners remain unaware of them? Starting out as a pretty traditional Heavy Metal....

Link to full review by Stuart

44. Michael Monroe - Sensory Overdrive
Average rating: 9.25/10

Accurately titled "solo" album from erstwhile Hanoi Rocks frontman.While most would remain convinced that the Andy McCoy / Michael Monroe chemistry is unbeatable, this band gets damn close. And what a star studded lineup - Ginger (Wildhearts), Sam (HR) Yaffa, Karl Rockfist (not his real name, apparently) and Steve (Company Of ....

Link to full review by Brian

45. Allen Lande - The Battle
Average rating: 9.2/10

When you take two of the greatest vocalists to come out of the 90s and have them join forces, it could only result in something special. An album that is extraordinary. A disc that would blow your mind if only it was done properly. Thank the lucky stars, but Allen/Lande "The Battle" is an exercise in how to achieve superiority. It's a crushing....

Link to full review by Alanna

46. Dio - Holy Diver
Average rating: 9.16/10

This is Dio's first solo effort and it is still today his best. These songs are simply classics. Stand Up And Shout opens with a fast "right in your face" guitar riff, and quickly develops into a powerful and very intense track. The drums are bursting with energy and detail, and as always when Dio sings the vocals are fille....

Link to full review by Tommy

47. Savatage - Streets - A Rock Opera
Average rating: 9.16/10

The most important thing about music is that it has to make you feel something, that's nevertheless my opinion and if there is one thing this album does to you, it is to make you relate to the moods captured in this fascinating opus. Feelings can be brought to life with either music, lyrics or a combination of the two, Streets is a unique mas....

Link to full review by Tommy

48. Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time
Average rating: 9.14/10

Iron Maiden, what a great band! One of the titans in Heavy Metal and with good reason, this glorious band has been committed to bring good music to the fans for over 20 years now, establishing a band with a unique sound and a fantastic positive surrounding aura. Somewhere In Time was one of the first Metal albums I listened to and Maiden will....

Link to full review by Tommy

49. Manowar - Battle Hymns
Average rating: 9.12/10

Powerful! That would be one way to describe this album. Magnificent, Essential, Classic, Majestic would be others. But enough of the superlatives. Here's another, more lengthy description... Battle hymns is Manowar's debut album and it established them right away as something special. It is a classic and one of the great and importan....

Link to full review by Steen

50. Manowar - The Triumph of Steel
Average rating: 9/10

Massive, magical, epic, comprehensive, adventurous, thrilling and I could go on, Manowar's seventh release was the first album I heard by the band and still today ranks as my favourite by the band. David Shankle debuted on this one with both song-writing abilities and exciting guitar passages, and Rhino filled the drum position with a thril....

Link to full review by Tommy

51. Savatage - Gutter Ballet
Average rating: 9/10

Discovered by chance between some Ozzy LP's I had borrowed from a friend back in 1991, Gutter Ballet from Savatage made a great impact. I had never heard anything quite like it and was at once captivated by Jon Oliva's powerful and gritty, yet still extremely emotional voice and Criss Oliva's heavenly guitar playing. One listen to Gutter Balle....

Link to full review by Steen

52. Lost Horizon - A Flame To The Ground Beneath
Average rating: 9/10

In very few cases do a band's concept, image and musical guideline melt into one magic whole as with Lost Horizon. After their fairly good debut they are back with a real blast of a Power Metal album. What bothers me writing this review is that main songwriter and guitarist Wojtek Lisicki (the other guitarist being Fredrik Olsson) has just lef....

Link to full review by Tommy

53. Symphony X - The Damnation Game
Average rating: 9/10

After their great debut the band had to show if they could top it, and I believe they did. With the extremely talented Russell Allen on board the band had landed a very important piece in the puzzle, now and in the future to come. The Damnation Game is a lengthwise shorter record than their self-titled debut, but nevertheless it sounds as if t....

Link to full review by Tommy

54. Queensrÿche - Empire
Average rating: 9/10

One of the last troubadours of Metal in the American mainstream would prove to create one of the 1990's most intriguing records. Released right before the big Seattle grunge explosion (Ironically, Queensryche is also from Seattle) of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Soundgarden, that was the kiss of death for metal, at least in America, was more than ....

Link to full review by Hashman

55. Enuff Z'nuff - Welcome to Blue Island
Average rating: 9/10

"Welcome to Blue Island" is the eleventh album from Chicago Rockers Enuff Z'nuff. Z Overture opens the disc. The song has been the opener at most Enuff Z'nuff shows for the past year. The track is probably the heaviest track EZN has ever written. I was a bit worried about how the song would transform in the studio since th....

Link to full review by Michael

56. Iron Maiden - Killers
Average rating: 9/10

The must anticipated 2nd album from Iron Maiden. It never got the succes of its predecessor, that charged into the UK charts at #4. Killers never got higher than #12, but that didn't stop Maiden. They promoted the album with their first world tour. There were many "firsts" on this tour. First European headline tour. First tour of Japan. And of....

Link to full review by Ulrick

57. Pretty Maids - Spooked
Average rating: 9/10

It is pretty "Maids" amazing, when I think about all the great melodic songs this band has produced over time. All their records have some genius songs that just stick in my head forever. Well, on to this, my favourite Pretty Maids album. After the short, but great, atmospheric keyboard intro we go right into Freak Show. A ....

Link to full review by Tommy

58. Symphony X - The Odyssey
Average rating: 9/10

This is a cd I have been looking forward to review! It is no secret that I am a huge fan of their earlier works but this only means that I am demanding a lot from these guys since I know what they are capable of. Nothing less than a masterpiece will make me bring out the big numbers for the rating. The thing we have heard from Symph....

Link to full review by Tajs

59. Manowar - Into glory ride
Average rating: 9/10

It's very hard for me to say that one Manowar album is my favourite because they all have a special meaning to me, each in it's own way. But when I'm in the mood for epic music Into glory ride takes the crown... Damn, even the title of the album sounds epic... The album feels really fresh and the whole band sound like they....

Link to full review by Steen

60. Dream Theater - Train of Thought
Average rating: 9/10

Literally their eleventh album (out of all both studio and live albums, disregarding this years official bootlegs) from the band that has set the standard for Prog Metal, standing tall with influence, for the past decade and a half, with numerous lineup changes (or should I say keyboard player changes, and one lead singer changeover), and mult....

Link to full review by Hashman

61. Black Sabbath - Heaven And Hell
Average rating: 9/10

If I was asked to name some albums that for me was as close to classical or traditional Heavy Metal as possible, Heaven And Hell would surely be one of them. Not only is it in my opinion the best Sabbath album ever, it's also a milestone in the Metal scene. An incredible strong album that shows both nerve, epic features, attitude, melody and....

Link to full review by Tommy

62. Redemption - Redemption
Average rating: 9/10

The first time I put on this album, and listened to the opening two minutes of Desperation Part I, I knew this was going to be good. Then I looked at the promo material and noticed the members of Redemption, and I started getting very excited. Listening to the whole album for the first time only intensified that feeling. Refreshing and excitin....

Link to full review by Steen

63. Megadeth - Rust In Peace
Average rating: 9/10

Looking back at the Megadeth discography, this one has always been my favourite. The high amount of technical abilities and ultra fast rhythm section is a very special feature on this release. The album opens in great style with Holy Wars; a perfect example of a genius technical Metal track. The riffs are very fast but sti....

Link to full review by Tommy

64. Queensrÿche - Rage for order
Average rating: 9/10

Ahh good old Queensrÿche... Rage for order was released back in 1986 and of all their albums this one is my favorite along with Operation Mindcrime. Which one I prefer all depends on my mood. This is their most experimental work to date and it will take some time to get used to the songs and the somewhat convoluted production, which in turn he....

Link to full review by Steen

65. Orphaned Land - Mabool: The story of the Three Sons of Seven
Average rating: 9/10

Wow, what a great adventure! Orphaned Land play the most original and intriguing music I have heard in a long time. They succeed in mixing the best from many musical genres into something very unique. Okay, so I have not heard any of their other albums, but if this is anything to go by, then I must get them as soon as possible. The band wa....

Link to full review by Steen

66. Black Sabbath - Seventh Star
Average rating: 9/10

"Thunderrrrrrr Shattered the Dawn!" is what Glen Hughes sings out opening this record with one rigorous punch of aggression with "In for the Kill," where the title itself hints the mood of what's to come within this record. Released as "Black Sabbath Featuring Tony Iommi," obviously due to the fact that Iommi was the last m....

Link to full review by Hashman

67. Ayreon - The Human Equation
Average rating: 9/10

If you're looking for an album that has everything, then Ayreon's The Human Equation may be as close as you get. I sat there with my mouth gaping open in stunned silence for a few seconds after my first listen and then burst out laughing. Somehow it all fits perfectly. The human equation is the most complex and varied album Ayreon has creat....

Link to full review by Steen

68. Forbidden - Twisted into form
Average rating: 9/10

This is one of my all-time favorite Thrash Metal albums. It was the first Forbidden album I heard and it just blew me away many years ago. Today it is still a great example of technicality, tightness, speed and melody taken to a higher level. The songs are very well composed. Creative riffs, guitar solos, wild breaks and intense vocal....

Link to full review by Steen

69. Slayer - South Of Heaven
Average rating: 9/10

Where Reign In Blood is half an hour of pure madness and Seasons In The Abyss is aggressive in a more gloomy way, South Of Heaven falls somewhere in between the two, both chronologically and approach wise. But let's not dwell more on one of Metal's most notorious bands and get to the actual songs on this, their fourth full-length album. S....

Link to full review by Tommy

70. Helloween - Keeper Of The Seven Keys - Part II
Average rating: 9/10

Helloween in so many ways define what Power Metal is all about; speed, melody, energy and heavy song structures. Keeper II is one of the biggest classics of the genre and became something to measure up to after its release in 1988. Years later it still stands out as something unique. Much of the album's charm comes from an easygoing and sick ....

Link to full review by Tommy

71. Redemption - The Fullness Of Time
Average rating: 9/10

The eagerly awaited sophomore album by Redemption has finally arrived and what blast it turned out to be. This is one of those albums I just can't wait to listen to one more time, each spin offering several new exciting discoveries. To make this review a bit different and progressive if you like, I have tried to figure out a number of question....

Link to full review by Tommy

72. Jaded Heart - Helluva Time
Average rating: 9/10

Jaded Heart have actually overcome all odds and managed to deliver just what the title promises: a "Helluva Time". Honestly, this comes as a surprise since all hope had been abandoned for the band once Michael Bormann departed. Whether he was kicked out or left on his own devices remains to be seen, the only sure piece of info was that he was ....

Link to full review by Alanna

73. FM - Indiscreet
Average rating: 9/10

The 1980s were most definitely the heyday for all things AOR. Stadium rockers Foriegner gone soft, a retooled Heart and the ever popular Journey ruled the early 80s and waiting in their wings were plenty more bands: Night Ranger, Mr. Mister, the delictable Icon and oh-so many others. Radio was flooded with song after song of U.S. AOR hopefuls ....

Link to full review by Alanna

74. Conception - Flow
Average rating: 9/10

Rolling waves of sound, a high-tech progressive atmosphere, soul drifting vocals that weave in an out of your subconscious... this was the height of creative progressive metal, and the final release of the much beloved, but often forgotten band - Conception. This was Roy Khan's stomping grounds....

Link to full review by Alanna

75. Savatage - Dead Winter Dead
Average rating: 9/10

I still remember the huge impact this album had on me when I first held it in my hands many years ago while the chorus of This Is The Time (1990) filled the room. What a magnificent, beautiful and moving piece of music I thought to myself: We placed our years in the hourglassThey were never un....

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76. Shadow Gallery - Tyranny
Average rating: 9/10

Few albums have the strength to endure regular listens for more than ten years. Even fewer have a concept where music, story and performance unite into something completely convincing. Most concept fail in some way on one or more levels. Tyranny is one of the rare concept albums where everything works 100%. The experience lingers on long after....

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77. Angeline - Confessions
Average rating: 9/10

If you think the new Treat album's got a lot of immense choruses, then listen to 'Confessions'. And let's namecheck a few other bands just to set the mood here. Gun, circa "Gallus", Harem Scarem when they got Rubberised and 'Pull' era Winger are three more - this Swedish band's first full length studio album is just brimming over wi....

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78. Arch Enemy - Anthems of rebellion
Average rating: 8.87/10

Arch Enemy are back with an extreme metal album that easily tops their previous brutal exercise: "Wages Of Sin". Angela Gossow choosing this time to morph her famous growl into something like a true Parsel Tongue. For fans of the Harry Potter book series, you'll know the Parsel Tongue is snake language. Angela sounds like a mother Pit Vip....

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79. Megadeth - Peace Sells...But Who´s Buying? - DVD Audio Edition
Average rating: 8.83/10

It's about time the audiophile industry took notice of Heavy Metal, what DTS has brought forth is a more punchier, kick in the ass version of one of the most brutally aggressive thrash metal albums of all times. Who can't deny this record's complete energy that was captured during the 1986 sessions and would incorporate pure musicianship t....

Link to full review by Hashman

80. AC/DC - Back In Black
Average rating: 8.83/10

One of the most important bands with one of their finest moments. I remember how huge an impact AC/DC had on me when I was a child, it was as if these guys cast the magic spell of heavy sounding music on me with their trademark of hard rocking, easily comprehendible and highly melodic tunes. The band has always been able to strike a balance be....

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81. Masterplan - Masterplan
Average rating: 8.83/10

This is the debut album from Masterplan. The members consist of Roland Grapow (guitar) and Uli Kusch (drums) both ex Helloween, bassist Jan. S. Eckert ex Iron Savior, singer Jorn Lande (ARK) and keyboarder Axel Mackenroot.I am very impressed with what these guys have come up with. The style is classic Melodic Heavy Metal, but the varia....

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82. Black Sabbath - Dehumanizer
Average rating: 8.83/10

Black Sabbath, The name alone means so much to so many, A band that arguably created this whole entity now known as Heavy Metal back in the 70's, that tore apart the hippy dream of peace and love, replacing it with nightmarish visions of war and despair and most importantly a band that has released some of the most thrilling, demonic and tranc....

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83. Fair Warning - Aura
Average rating: 8.83/10

To be honest, I thought the band was treading water with the last couple of albums, and in fact with 2007's 'Brothers Keeper' thought they were drowning not waving.  Now that they are a confirmed fourpiece - Ule Ritgen, Tommy Heart, CC Behrens and Helge Engelke - they seem once again comfortable inside the Fair Warning skin. They'....

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84. Bob Catley - Immortal
Average rating: 8.75/10

If there ever was an album that deserved the term "majestic", it would certainly be this one. Taking us back to the bardic medieval atmosphere of Magnum's "On A Storyteller's Night" and lavishly exploring this epic overall feeling, "Immortal" allows you free reign into a dangerous fantasy world of myth and magic, wonder and int....

Link to full review by Alanna

85. Whitesnake - Whitesnake
Average rating: 8.75/10

Whitesnake's self titled album is likely one that is taking up space on your shelf but hasn't been dusted off for awhile. I would know, because my copy had largely suffered the same fate until recently. Every now and then then nostalgia bug bites and its time to resurrect a classic. After a good amount of time spent cozying up to WS's US relea....

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86. Marcello-Vestry - Marcello-Vestry
Average rating: 8.75/10

Stumbling upon Marcello-Vestry is akin to wandering a vast, featureless desert. Occasionally you trip over a pretty bit of desert brush here and there, but the way is mostly covered in mostly the same flat tones and endless dunes. Then bam, you slip and fall right into a welcoming paradise oasis. Ex....

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87. Mike Tramp - Capricorn
Average rating: 8.75/10

This is the first solo album by Mike Tramp, the singer and founder of White Lion and Freak of Nature. On this album he sings and plays guitar on all songs. All solos are played by Kenny Korade, who also played in Freak of Nature. I had owned this album some time before it really hit me how great it was. After seeing Mike Tramp play live i....

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88. Virgin Steele - Age Of Consent
Average rating: 8.75/10

Age Of Consent is with no doubt one of the most atmospheric and thrilling releases in my collection. Anyone who knows me also knows that Virgin Steele is my all time favourite band and that every release by the band is considered something really special. But that should not keep me from making a fair review, as always ha ha. The opener <st....

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89. Brainstorm - Ambiguity
Average rating: 8.75/10

Let's keep it short and precise. Germany's Brainstorm has released a bombastic, inspirational, trashy, groovy, sonic and by all means powerful album that has a special deep and heavy base. The compact and ultra heavy production is of the most hard hitting ones I have heard and makes these songs come across with even more strength. C....

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90. TNT - My Religion
Average rating: 8.75/10

TNT is among the veterans of the Hard rock scene. In 1984 the Norway based band teamed up with American singer Tony Harnell. After a turbulent career TNT reformed in original line-up and the teaser EP "Give Me A Sign", left the fans expecting a smashing album. "My Religion" is TNT's new full-length album and it follows the tradition ....

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91. Stratovarius - Visions
Average rating: 8.75/10

In so many ways this albums represents what I would call a perfect Power Metal album, many of these songs became classics in no time and they haven't lost any of their shine. Timo Tolkki, Jari Kainulainen, Jens Johansson, Jörg Michael and Timo Kotipelto are names that spell out quality; the technical performance on this clear-sighted vision g....

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92. Pride of Lions - The Destiny Stone
Average rating: 8.75/10

So you thought it would be nice to have Survivor for the 2000's right? Well these guys have just answered your prayers and granted your wishes. Headed by one of the former driving forces of Survivor, Pride of Lions is Jim Peterik's baby and therefore is treated with the utmost patience, care and love. Each song is nutured by him to try and ....

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93. Edge of Forever - Let the Demon Rock N Roll
Average rating: 8.75/10

For the first several tracks on Edge of Forever's second outing, "Let the Demon Rock N Roll", you might just think you have found heavy metal heaven. This would, in theory, be a magical place where melodic rock and blazing riffs collide. And for awhile, this band achieves that, easily managing to rank themselves among the elite in one fail swo....

Link to full review by Alanna

94. Megadeth - Countdown To Extinction
Average rating: 8.75/10

One of the coolest things about Megadeth is the feeling you get of the band always having something important to say, about world politics, social relations and humankind in general, making good sense of a critical starting point.Rust In Peace was an intense piece of high-tempo technicality and one could argue that some of that charm i....

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95. Bon Jovi - Have A Nice Day
Average rating: 8.75/10

I'm addicted to this band; I simply have to listen to Bon Jovi on a regular basis. It has something to do with the positive effect it has on my mental state of mind and of course the fact that it's one of the most melodic bands to ever surface. Have A Nice Day is the band's ninth studio album and remarkably it's the same four guys that appear....

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96. Edenbridge - The Grand Design
Average rating: 8.75/10

Edenbridge have scented blood since the departure of Tarja from the most popular of the female fronted dramatic bands, Nightwish. They are the first of their contemporaries to pop out an album after the end of Nightwish as we know it. Hopefully they will find their way into the hearts of those that made the Finnish band so popular by striking ....

Link to full review by Alanna

97. Jorn - The Gathering
Average rating: 8.75/10

A Greatest Hits package or an excuse to rerecord and fluff up a collection of songs that perhaps didn't quite get the exposure warranted the first time around? "The Gathering" is a little bit of both. Jorn enlisted the help of Tommy Hansen to beef up the production on some of his earlier solo works that needed a boost and the others w....

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98. Kamelot - Ghost Opera
Average rating: 8.75/10

It must be daunting to try and top or at least sustain the quality of your band after a watershed release such as "The Black Halo". There are very few bands out there that have released an album that had the emotional depth, musical intricacies, tightly wound song structures and catchy hooks such as contained in that "Halo" release. Kamelot ....

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99. Rock Sugar - Reimaginator
Average rating: 8.75/10

The real surprise here is that it's never been done before.Like all great ideas, the premise is very simple, though the execution takes skill - the boring, unsexy qualities that no one likes to talk about, like professionalism and musicianship. Take a bunch of high profile pop / poprock hits from the eighties, and join them at the hip ....

Link to full review by Brian

100. Sabaton - Coat Of Arms
Average rating: 8.75/10

The Swedish historians are back with new accounts of bravery and warfare. It's an album that will kick the collective dust off their colleagues and show just how fresh a power metal album can sound in this day and age.  The only thing I disliked about the previous Sabaton album, The Art of War, was the dominance of the keyboard an....

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Daily Spotlight
Elegy - Labyrinth of Dreams (Reissue)
CoverHaving sold more than a quarter of a million albums in their career, it often seems that the Netherlands pro....
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Retro Reviews

Bruce Dickinson - Accident Of Birth
CoverAccident Of Birth is one of those rare and really special highlights in the history of classic Heavy Metal. Bruce's solo career has been highly successful with many great albums, this one being his be....
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Rush - Counterparts
CoverIt was the long awaited return for many fans to a more guitar based sound, shying away from the more pop keyboard oriented sound that we all know and love. Riding on the heels of two stripped down rec....
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