Orphaned Land - Mabool: The story of the Three Sons of Seven
Wow, what a great adventure!

Orphaned Land play the most original and intriguing music I have heard in a long time. They succeed in mixing the best from many musical genres into something very unique. Okay, so I have not heard any of their other albums, but if this is anything to go by, then I must get them as soon as possible. The band was formed in 1991, released their first album Sahara in 1994 and the second El Norra Alila in 1996. Now they are back with this remarkable concept album, that will surely please all fans of Progressive Metal and anyone with an open mind and love for music in general. Dubbed by the band themselves as Middle Eastern Metal, I do not disagree.

The five members of the band are helped by a number of guest musicians and together they utilize pretty much every instrument and vocal style you can imagine. Lead singer Kobi switches between deep brutal growl-like and clean vocals, both voices fitting the drama of the music perfectly. His voice has an incredible amount of feeling. In addition female vocalists and choirs play a big role in many songs and add to the vast atmosphere of the music. Everything is layered in a very convincing way and many beautiful harmonies are created.

Instrumentally the album is very special too. You have the well known, electric and acoustic guitars, bass, synths, piano and drums, along with violins and cellos, but also several oriental & middle eastern instruments enhance the music. Due to the clear and powerful production every instrument has its own place in the sound and I never felt like it was too much. Well thought out and incredibly creative arrangements make the songs flow together like a great river of Metal, where taking another dive always leads you to some new undiscovered place. There is constantly something going on and listening closely to this album either very loud or with headphones is an overwhelming experience. 68 minutes of excitement literally fly by while you're taken on an epic journey with the sweeping introduction of Birth of the Three all the way to the final soothing instrumental Rainbow.

Most of the lyrics are sung in English, but also Hebrew, Arabic, Yemen, Latin and a form of gibberish language created by the band themselves. This may seem weird, but it works surprisingly well and only adds to the atmosphere. This is one album where I would have loved to be able to read the lyrics as the concept, which has religous overtones, is pretty complex and seems to have many layers. I guess I'll have to wait till February 23rd when the album is released.

All these things make the album something special and the oriental and middle eastern elements add a very unique feeling of drama and mystery. The music may sound complex, but it captured me right away, as it is filled with compelling melodies. The melodic nature of the music along with a myriad of cool touches give the album a longevity far beyond the average release.

As opposed to the album I fear that I will start to repeat myself if I go into every song. It is also hard to pick one specific song as they are all tied together as one. So many highlights are on the album that I will just comment on a few personal highlights.

Ocean Land is certainy one of my favorite songs. Starting out as an acoustic piece with new instruments being added at each turn of the melody, heightening the atmosphere until a heavy electric guitar takes over the main melody. The mesmerizing vocal melodies in this song are fantastic and the contrasting brutal and clean vocals work perfectly together here. A very cool guitar solo along with the surprising, but perfect ending add the final touch of brilliance.

Halo dies is another far reaching song. The way the piano and acoustic instruments play together with the heavy rythm guitar in the beginning is genius. The choirs in Building the ark are very beautiful and Nora El Nora is a cool middle eastern piece.

The calm before the storm is just what the title says. A completely relaxing and beautiful piece based mostly on acoustic guitar, leading the listener to the title track, where everything takes a darker turn with haunting violins, slowly being replaced by a thrilling rising guitar melody and an ominous spoken part... and then the song really takes of. The drums and cymbals are of special notice in this song.
The guitar solo in The storm still rages inside is also just fantastic and captures the essence of the music beautifully.

I had a hard time finding any faults with this album. I found it very intriguing upon the first listen, and after many many more I still find new things in the music all the time. The music draws you in and doesn't let go easily. The band is extremely tight and play their instruments with skill. I can heartily recommend this album to the metal fan who is looking for something really special and different. I have a feeling that especially fans of Opeth and Pain of Salvation will love this one.

The album has many chilling moments and in the end I find this release to be truly fascinating, beautiful and unlike anything I have ever heard before. Orphaned Land is more than just a band. They are an experience.

Listening tips: Everything. But to get a taster check out Birth of the three, Ocean Land, Nora El Nora, Halo dies and Mabool

Written by Steen
Thursday, February 5, 2004
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Steen: 9/10

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Max (Anonymous) - Thursday, February 5, 2004
Well just a little comment about the the fact the band didn't release any new album since 1996 is not because the state in israel but because the state the band members were in,as far as i know from the interviews with the band members

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Thursday, February 5, 2004
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Ok, thanks for letting me know. I guess I should never trust the promo material completely... I'll check any interviews I can find soon.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Thursday, February 5, 2004

Comment by Mads Aanum (Anonymous) - Thursday, February 5, 2004
well if fans of Opeth and Pain Of Salvation will like this then it's just right for me...
Mads Aanum

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Tuesday, February 10, 2004
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You can listen to Ocean Land in RealAudio format here

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Comment by Ram (Anonymous) - Thursday, February 12, 2004
This album is damn great stuff. It does not get boring at any time, and yes, it's unlike anything I've ever heard before.

Comment by israel (Anonymous) - Monday, February 16, 2004
Fantastic Band!
I sure that this album will get them the respect they fit to.
I also commend to get hold of their others albums-
El Norra Alila
and the rerelease- The Beloveds Cry

ORPHANED LAND- you the best band in the all fucking world!!!

Comment by mehmet deveci (Anonymous) - Saturday, February 28, 2004
this band is wonderfull....i think mabool is the best orphanedland album

Comment by nicho-deth (Anonymous) - Saturday, February 28, 2004
HI orphaned land the best band of
world,congratulation aaahhhh

Comment by Burak SARICA (Anonymous) - Sunday, February 29, 2004
piano, guitar, saz..

Wonderfull synthesis.

Comment by emre (Anonymous) - Sunday, February 29, 2004
real magic! real war! real chaos! ther is nothing affected in this album!!

Comment by Morten (Anonymous) - Thursday, March 4, 2004
Got the album yesterday, and what a treat! This is a really really great album, one that will keep on giving, and keep growing on you. Emjoy!

Comment by Folklore (Anonymous) - Saturday, March 6, 2004
Probably the best oriental metal band in the world `-)
You`re all invited to visit OL`s official forum at

The storm still rage inside

Comment by Israeli (Anonymous) - Wednesday, March 10, 2004
their demo (the beloved's cry) and sahara (wich includes songs from their first demo) were re-issued in 1999 and still available

Comment by dirk (Anonymous) - Wednesday, April 7, 2004
simply the best and the most original metal I have ever heard
and the lyirics are also very good , in my opinion the rating sould be 15/15

Comment by Trans-Siberian Outcast (Anonymous) - Monday, April 12, 2004
This is easily one of my top five albums of all time. I've been searching for years trying to find something that grabs me like Savatage/TSO. I've finally found one! It's so damn good I don't even mind the death metal vocals. This album is 10/10 for me.

Comment by A proud Israeli (Anonymous) - Sunday, June 13, 2004
Hell Yeah!!!

if any europeans are reading this- please don't hate Israel, we are actually pretty cool. Try thinking about our side too (for example the daily bombing).


Comment by Someone from israel... (Anonymous) - Sunday, June 27, 2004
A very great album! I think its the best iv'e ever heard!
You should really listen to some israeli music making indestry.(And asspecially to Orphaned Land)

Mabool in hebrew = Flood

Comment by Orphaned girl[Israel] (Anonymous) - Wednesday, March 16, 2005
at first, i want to tell MAX and STEEN that orphaned land didnt release any new album since 1996 because they wanted a littel time of quiet to work on an album. and not because any different reason

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, March 16, 2005
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Ok, I have updated the review on that point.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Comment by Orphaned girl[Israel] (Anonymous) - Thursday, March 17, 2005
Ok 10x.
orphaned land is the best band in the world! =]
I hope that pepole from the world dont think that Israel is a bad place. it is very nice here except the daily bombing.
and i think all the pepole in the world need to take care one each other and we need to live in peace.
by the way, im jest 13 years old. and i think its pretty importent that a girl in my age think about things like that.
and i must to mention that i didnt liked Christians and Muslims so much befor i started to listen to Orphaned Land and now i know we all sons of god and we all human.

Comment by me again...=\ (Anonymous) - Thursday, March 17, 2005
im sorry i had some mistakes and i want to fix them.
people, important, before
sorry again... =\
Orphaned girl from Israel

Comment by E. G. (Anonymous) - Saturday, April 16, 2005
This album is perfect! I'm in love with this band...

Comment by Orphaned girl[Israel] (Anonymous) - Thursday, May 5, 2005
u arent the only one. lol.
if u live in Europe u can see them. they have live performance but i dont know where.
Orphaned Land is the Best!

Comment by Paragon (Anonymous) - Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Im sad because this is probably as good as music gets.That sucks because that means every song or album im going hear in the future will never surpass this album.

That means this is the pinnacle of musical expression.Go buy it Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comment by EHAB HAMDAN (Anonymous) - Friday, September 29, 2006


Comment by tareq (Anonymous) - Sunday, May 13, 2007
it's fucking great man

Comment by KingPest (Member) - Monday, October 29, 2007
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Just checked out the clips on iTunes. Sounds amazing! I will definitely buy this when I get paid.

Posted by KingPest
Monday, October 29, 2007

Review by Steen

Released by
Century Media - 2004

01 - Birth of the three
02 - Ocean Land
03 - The kiss of Babylon
04 - A'salk
05 - Halo dies
06 - A call to awake
07 - Building the ark
08 - Nora El Nora
09 - The calm before the flood
10 - Mabool
11 - The storm still rages inside
12 - Rainbow

Supplied by Target

Progressive Middle Eastern Metal

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Orphaned Land - Official Website

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