Staff page - Steen

Hello out there!

My name is Steen Jepsen, born in 1975 and currently living in Aarhus, Denmark. I am the designer, programmer and almighty Editor of this web site, so if you have any complaints don't send them to me :)

For those who want to know more about me you have come to the right place. I may have a tendency to ramble on at times but be patient and you'll learn a lot of things I never even knew you could... or something like that... NI!

I'll start by writing something about how I discovered the wonderful world of Heavy Metal.

My life in Metal began back in 1991, I must have been 15 then, phew... I had not been very interested in music until then. I had mostly been listening to pop music on the radio because one of my best friends was a DJ and constantly bugged me. I thought most of the music was ok but not very interesting, and after a couple of months of airplay most songs just seemed to disappear from memory. There was never any consistency and most albums seemed to consist of a couple of hits and filler songs to make out the rest. It never captured me.

Next to the pop music I was much more interested in computer music. I remember collecting modules on my Amiga 500 and trying to make my own, which unfortunately led me to the conclusion that I had absolutely no sense of rythm at all...

Then one lucky day one of my friends introduced me to the following two albums: D.A.D. - Riskin' It All and Metallica - The Black Album. Especially the Metallica album made quite an impression because of the pretty dark atmosphere that was apparent through the album. I had never heard anything like that before. A whole new meaning to the word music opened. The album was consistent and all the songs were good.

From then on I discovered a whole style in music that I never knew existed or maybe I had just ignored it and never given it a chance. Well, better late than never!

I found that I had missed the all the good stuff of the eighties, so I had a huge back catalogue to catch up on. I think I've mostly caught up by now, but I still discover great old bands I never knew existed. Well, one band went with the other and over the years I have experienced some amazing music. Here are some selected highlights from my musical journey as I remember them.

The first time I heard "Savatage - Gutter Ballet"
I had borrowed a lot of Ozzy Osbourne LP's from a friend at school and started listening through them. I liked what I heard. Then, in the middle of the Ozzy LP's was an LP by a band I had never heard of before. Cool name I thought. Well, I put it on and listened through the whole thing. I was completely blown away. The variety of the tracks, The brilliant guitarist, and most of all the singer who was able to show off a huge range of power and emotion at the same time. I discovered that they had a new album out and ran out and ordered "Streets - A Rock Opera" on tape (a special two-month order for the small record shop in Lemvig where I lived). After listening to that masterpiece and discovering their back catalogue Savatage quickly became my favourite band for a long time.

Discovering "Enuff Z'nuff - Strength"
Many of my friends don't understand why this band is my favourite and I can't seem to explain it to them. I'll try and do it to you though, just in case you might be interested...

You don't get to be a fan of this band overnight. It will take some time and maybe some patience and devotion on your part. But if you're ready to sacrifice that, then I can promise you that you won't regret it. Just like me you might discover two of the worlds most talented songwriters, a singer who is out of this world and songs that speak from the heart with unparalelled emotion.

Enuff Z'nuff play hard rock music with some inspirations from The Beatles. The singer has a huge range and sometimes sounds a little like a mix of John Lennon and Elvis Costello...

It took me quite some time to really like Strength. I read about it in the Danish Metal Magazine "Metalized" where it was praised by Mika Botfeldt who had mostly the same taste in music as me. I thought this was the album for me and luckily I found it at the local library on tape. I got it home and started to listen to it. After listening to it a couple of times it didn't really catch me. I thought the music was ok, nothing special and all the songs sounded pretty much the same... Not very interesting. I also had a hard time liking the singers voice. Well, I was pretty disapointed, so I returned the tape to the library thinking maybe I should listen a little better sometime later.

I almost forgot about the band but about a year later I read the review of their new album "Animals with human intelligence" in Metalized, again by Mr. Botfeldt. That one got a praise too and Strength was mentioned.

I quickly decided to give Strength another chance. Luckily the library still had the tape, so I borrowed it again and this time I tried to really listen to the music. Again after the first couple of listens there was nothing, only the title song really stuck out, but then after six or seven listens everything started to fall into place. It was like magic. Something just clicked and every song got a life of it's own and I discovered just how melodic and amazing the album really was. After that experience I learned that some albums really need time and many listens before you realize how good they are.

Many of my favourite albums today are the ones which took me more than seven listens to get really into. Discovering greatness can only be done through time and patience. That is also what I think makes this genre in music so much more exciting and rewarding than most other genres.

When my sister became a Queensrÿche fan for some time
When I lived at home with my parents my room was right next to my sister's and I guess I sometimes played a little loud to drown out all her disco music... But I discovered that the more she heard my music the more she liked it. So I started playing Queensrÿche - Operation Mindcrime over and over again. One day she amazingly came in and asked me who that band was and if she could borrow the cd because they were great! So she borrowed, that and Rage for order + Empire. Rage for order ended up being her favourite QR cd, which I think is pretty interesting. Today she doesn't remember (or doesn't want to remember:)), but I still remind her sometimes that she used to listen to metal...

Meeting another Enuff Z'nuff fan at the Midtfynsfestival in 1997
Enuff Z'nuff have never been a very popular band. I always thought that I was the only really big fan in Denmark. Then one fateful day in 1997 while walking around enjoying the Midtfyns festival I'm stopped by a guy who recognizes my Enuff Z'nuff T-Shirt. He thinks I've made it myself, but when I say I actually got it from the fan club he seemed quite impressed. We become instant friends and party for the rest of the festival. Afterwards we have stayed in touch and had regular "Enuff Z'nuff Parties" where we listen to EZN all weekend, drink beer and have lots of fun. Fate is funny in some ways as he is now my neighbourgh here in Aarhus and writer for this site too...

Other magical experiences...

  • The first time I listened to Manowar was when I bought "The Triumph of Steel". I put it on and was completely blown away by Achilles. This was like a band sent from heaven. Bone-crushing power and ear-splitting vocals. Another band to die for.

  • Discovering Fates Warning and the atmosphere of my two favourites "The spectre within" and "Awaken the guardian".

  • Getting "Into the everflow" by Psychotic Waltz and discovering those two extremely melodic passages of "Freakshow". Even when listening to that song today they send chills down my spine. Music does not get any more beautiful than that.

  • Having the first three Sieges Even cd's and buying Sophisticated thinking it was the same style as "A sense of change". I was expecting slow moody progressive music and was hit right in the face by the fast and powerful music. I don't think I ever heard a band change that much pace between two albums.

  • Discovering the ultimate in symphonic melodic power metal when listening to Rhapsody for the first time. "Eternal glory" will stand in my memory as an amazing achievement in songwriting and it has the best chorus ever.

  • Singing "Forever will I roam" by Virgin Steele in the showers with Tommy at the "Bang your head" festival in 2000.

  • Understanding the greatness of The Beatles. It happened after buying their Help record and listening to it for about 20 times. It pretty much happened in the same way as the above story with Enuff Z'nuff - Strength.

  • Discovering the beauty (and other sides) of Tori Amos' music. I have always loved piano music, so when I found "Little Earthquakes" by Tori Amos I knew at once that this was for me. Her beautiful voice, the powerful and real lyrics make the music come together in a special way. "Tear in your hand" is still my favourite song of hers.

I could go on and on, but I think this is enough for now. Maybe I will add more later when I find out what I have forgotten to mention... If you want to talk you're always welcome to write me at or add your comments at the bottom of this page.

My other interests include movies, books, pc gaming and spending as much time with my friends and family as possible.

I have a weakness for romantic dramas and comedies like Jerry Maguire, Shakespeare in love, Before Sunrise/Sunset, Titanic, Running on empty, Say anything, Lucas, The man in the moon and so on, oh and a certain TV Series called Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Other than that I'm a huge fan of Fawlty Towers, Monty Python, Rowan Atkinson, Hale & Pace and I could go on for a long time... But now you know... My kind of humor can be very black and ironic at times... I've tried to keep it at a minimum so far, but I'm afraid I may soon explode... NI!

My CD collection has grown to around 1300 albums over time and I have a sick plan to review them all at some point... At the current rate it should take around 80 years... Damn! Check out my CD collection here.

Oh yeah, before I forget. I have a personal web site where you can read more about me, my trip around the world and other funny things. It was created back in 1996 so bear with the design.

Steen Jepsen - May 23, 2003

Update - October 29. 2010
Lots of things have happened in the past few years so I decided to write a quick personal update here and keep my original staff page above intact. My girlfriend and I bought a house in 2009 and moved out of Aarhus and into Galten, a small town close to Aarhus. Just a month after moving in our first child was born. A lovely little girl who is already rocking out to the likes of The Beatles, Enuff Z'nuff and Kaj & Andrea. In between these things and my day time job, I use any spare time I can find on developing the site, writing reviews and enjoying music.

Berlin Marathon 2004 - After I won the race...

Top Ten lists

Highlights of 2002

Top 20 albums of 2003 and other highlights

Top 20 albums of 2004

Top 10 albums of 2005

Top 10 albums of 2007

Favorite albums of 2008

Favorite Albums of 2009

Favorite Albums of 2010

All time favorite songs (100-51)
All time favorite songs (50-1)

My complete CD list

The world famous Lord Helmet picture. Taken just before a rafting trip in New Zealand...

Wacken 2003 - Crazy photo guy

Berlin Marathon 2004 - I ran like this most of the time, humming Manowar tunes.

This article has been shown 26821 times. Go to the complete list.

RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Mads (Anonymous) - Saturday, May 25, 2002
Hey where is the part about meeting the midget of metal?

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Sunday, May 26, 2002
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What? Can't you see it? It's right there in the midget section...

You have to use that special chair I sent you so you can see the screen...

Did Grandpa take it again? Oh no...


Posted by Steen (Staff)
Sunday, May 26, 2002

Comment by Grandpa (Anonymous) - Sunday, July 28, 2002
Hey what are you talking about? I thought that chair was my chair, it had my name on it, once I carved my name on it anyway.

Comment by Glenn "Manuel" Stock (Anonymous) - Tuesday, August 20, 2002
You say I never learn but I learn Mr. Jepsen, I learn.....
Great site & yes I'm still here Steen. Anyone that doesn't know Steen, he is a little nuts but he's from Denmark & he has been to Australia, that's what sent him a little bonkers I suspect.

Comment by Steen "Basil" Jepsen (Anonymous) - Thursday, August 22, 2002
You know nothing....

Good to hear there's still life in Australia. Did you get the new Fawlty Towers DVD yet? It's excellent.

Comment by Danni Pedersen (Anonymous) - Tuesday, April 9, 2002
den er blevet flot steen...

Comment by Shawn Ames (Anonymous) - Saturday, September 28, 2002
Got your email reg. Lord Bane and Morpheous thanx you will be one of the first to hear both releases! Hey - question for ya - why "revelationZ"? - just thought I'd ask! you can reply to my personal email (censored by the unseen authorities)

Comment by Richard (Anonymous) - Monday, June 10, 2002
Hi Steen, Excellent job on the website! Keep it up. Been a Metal fan for a very long time (since 1977) and it's always refreshing to see the dedication of fellow Metalheads such as yourself. Rock on! - Richard from California

Comment by Arian (Anonymous) - Sunday, October 20, 2002
Hello there. Did you know your name means 'stone' in mij language? (i'm from the Netherlands) You seem like a very likeable guy. I also discovered good music pretty late in life. For me it came in the form of Rhapsody. I'm very picky concerning music and only buy the very best of the best. I also love movie soundtracks like star wars, batman and other adventure movies. You should try looking for them! By the way, if you love piano, you should get the album 'Beethoven's last night' from 'Trans-Siberian Orchestra' . You might know them. All those Savatage guys are involved.
Drop me a line if you dare!

Comment by Dennis / Sun Caged (Anonymous) - Monday, February 11, 2002
Heya Steen! Nice interview with Arjen and cool review of the Star One show. See you in Kolding in a couple of weeks...!

Comment by Dennis / Sun Caged (Anonymous) - Monday, February 11, 2002
By the way... You might want to bring that helmet! ;-)

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Thursday, April 11, 2002
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Sure, I'll bring it along as long as you promise to wear it on stage... haha

See you there...

Steen (A.K.A. Lord Helmet junior)

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Thursday, April 11, 2002

Comment by Erik Arent (Anonymous) - Thursday, April 11, 2002
Sig mig, må man godt bare sende jer artikler som man alligevel bare laver, altså om metal?

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Thursday, July 11, 2002
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Ja, det må man gerne... Men de kommer ikke på siden før man er medlem af "The Staff" :) Check Contact sektionen hvis du skulle være interesseret.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Thursday, July 11, 2002

Comment by Ghost Of Grand Pa (Anonymous) - Monday, December 16, 2002
I am coming to get you...

Comment by The CowBoy (Anonymous) - Saturday, December 28, 2002
Hello Father nice to see that you running away from me and mother didn't stop you from bulling the poor and sweet Grand Pa until he died a most horiable death... nice work Mutated Cow Pig

Comment by Tommy (Member) - Friday, August 1, 2003
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Ratings: 31
Can't wait to our next staff meeting, I will try to get you as drunk as at the last Metal party. I guess that it will become almost impossible but I will give it a try.

Posted by Tommy
Friday, August 1, 2003

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Saturday, November 1, 2003
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Haha, It's not gonna happen... I know, you're just waiting to take some more intimate pictures of me... But his time I will lock the door to the toilet... Haha

This time I will drink you under the table with my specially brewed green drink and vodka with W. Be afraid, be very afraid...

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Saturday, November 1, 2003

Comment by Thomas in Norway (Anonymous) - Tuesday, April 15, 2003
Awesome review of "Jaded" by TO/DIE/FOR... One of my very favorite bands! Trust me, MOST of the bands out of Finland are the same - KILLER BANDS!!! They have emotions music, wonderful lyrics, and talented vocalists! "Jaded" is my favorite CD of the moment, and it will be for a long time... Now, enjoy the band's two previous albums - and feel how the music of To/Die/For takes you away into dream land... One favourite song of mine (like, EVER!) is the up-beat tune "Hollow Heart" from their second album "Epilogue" ... I will be going to see the band in concert live in Helsinki in May! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! :) Stay Heavy and keep it rockin' bro!

Comment by Shawn Ames (Anonymous) - Sunday, April 27, 2003
Steen email me I have some tunes for ya to hear!

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, May 14, 2003
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Hey Thomas!

Thanks bro! I still listen to Jaded regularly. I just bought their other two albums and should receive them sometime next week. Looking forward to hearing 'Hollow Heart'! I sure hope to catch them live someday. Rock on!

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, May 14, 2003

Comment by Steve (Anonymous) - Monday, June 2, 2003
Hello, I was hoping maybe you could help me find some CD's. About thirteen years ago I met a wonderful girl from Denmark. She introduced me to a band named Sko/Torp. I loved their music, but only had one tape of theirs. I am now looking to buy all of their CD's. I did a search for a fan club and came across your site. Is there any way you can help me find and buy their CD's. Anything you could do would be really appreciated. I've hit nothing but dead ends in my search. Thanks for your time.

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Friday, June 27, 2003
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Hey Steve

Send me your email, so I can get in touch with you. I think I might be able to find their albums over here somewhere.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Friday, June 27, 2003

Comment by lars aanum (Anonymous) - Friday, January 23, 2004
thanks for a great trip to copenhagen to see, Dream Theater. this is the best concert ever for me, they was great that evning

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Saturday, January 24, 2004
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Yeah, It was a fantastic concert, up there with the best ones I have ever experienced. I was really surprised when they played songs like Another day and Trail of Tears. Star One in Hamburg is still the best concert I have ever been to though, hehee.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Saturday, January 24, 2004

Comment by lars aanum (Anonymous) - Sunday, January 25, 2004
i think it was a naveless concert, DREAM THEATER is my favorit band now

Comment by lars aanum (Anonymous) - Sunday, January 25, 2004
maveless SORRY

Comment by The Fat Friar (Anonymous) - Friday, March 12, 2004
Hey everyone,
it's Steen birthday! he's like 103 years old now! haha


Comment by Project: Failing Flesh (Anonymous) - Friday, March 12, 2004
Damn, if Steen is 103 now that means he's only 2 yrs younger than DIO. Gotta say you look to be holding up well! Must be that safety helmet used in tandem with the anti-aging chemicals found in beer which keeps you so male model looking!! Happy B-day to you from all of us P:FF

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Sunday, March 14, 2004
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Hehe, thank you, I guess, for the B-day wishes! It was on March 11'th by the way.
At the moment I cannot confirm my age. It varies between 3 and 103 years depending on how much alcohol I have consumed. Tommy can confirm this...

Steen a.k.a. HH (Happy Helmet)

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Sunday, March 14, 2004

Comment by The Fat Friar (Anonymous) - Thursday, April 29, 2004
I wish to comment on the Fates Warning news about Mark Zonder leaving the band! About damn time...i always hated the way that guy played! too farging technical and just damn boring like a drum machine....Bring back Steve Zimmerman the old and original drummer who knows how to properly play drums for a song! Love Fates Warning but Jim Matheos needs to wake up and bring back the original members man! Next to go will be that lame ass Ray Alder....and the return of the best high screaming melodic singer in the entire planet! John Arch!
Once those guys are back the final touch will be Frank Aresti showing Matheos how to play some real solos!

Now final comment: Write some damn songs this time Jim....had enough of that experimental new age noodling shit to last a lifetime...gets some damn Paxil or Midol...whatever will help you get out of the depressive wankering found on Unpleasnat Shade Of Crap and Disconnected. Disconnected wasn't as bad...some good tunes on there. Jim you know I love you man...i mean OSI and all that cool ass shit you did with the old Fates! Priceless!
Now if Dream Theater would just ditch Labrie...the world would be right! haha

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Thursday, April 29, 2004
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Why oh why do you spew forth such foul gibberish on my staff page? While I don't agree with you concerning Mark Zonder, little Jamie or Ray Alder I do agree on John Arch, one of the best singers ever. Also the Unpleasant Shade of Crap you refer to smells really nice to me... Ah well, no hard feelings, but it may be time to clean out the wax in your ears with some Arch Enemy at maximum volume hehe.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Thursday, April 29, 2004

Comment by The FRIAR FAT (Anonymous) - Thursday, April 29, 2004
Hey Steen baby!

We don't have to agree on everything! But Zonder is gone and Fates will hopefully change for the better! Alder i can live with...if i have to! I sound like some of the In Flames fans crying for a return to the old style! How hard it is sometimes to accept a band's changing around and doing different things! Disconnected was a step in the right direction so it should only get tons better!

Comment by swedish (Anonymous) - Wednesday, May 12, 2004
hey steen!! did you enjoy the show in Göteborg?? Tad morose + Nocturnal rites + edguy!!...amazing show and I just couldn't get enough. Did you have to wait outside when the show was delayed or did you have one of those damn VIP cards around your neck??;) they show was PERFECT and the way they ended it with Chalice of Agony made my tears to take a trip down my cheek..:D Well you and your staff just continiue your work with reviewing and all that because we all are enjoying it, and YOUR reviews does the whole shopping much eaaíer..:D CHEERS!!!

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, May 12, 2004
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Hey swedish!

Thanks alot! Yeah I thought the show was excellent. I felt exactly the same way about Chalice of agony!! A major and powerful highlight. We did not apply for any press passes this time around because we just wanted to relax and enjoy the shows, so yeah, we were in the front half of the queue for almost an hour before the doors opened. A good opportunity to drink the last of our beers.

Anyway, I spent all the time before Tad Morose went on stage wandering around aimlessly searching for the bar. I went outside and asked the orange-juice hooties where they had hidden the bar and was told it was a smoke- and alchohol free event! Oh man! Then I spent most of Tad Morose's show both moping and laughing at the same time about how weird it was looking at more than 1.000 metalheads walking around drinking little cups of orange juice and not a single beer or smoke. Does this happen often in Sweden? Ah well, it was a funny experience for us but I soon began to concentrate on the music instead.

Tad Morose were good, Nocturnal Rites kicked ass and Edguy blew the roof of the building. Unfortunately Tad Morose had some big sound problems. I was positively surprised by Nocturnal Rites but would have liked to hear more of their older songs.

But back to Edguy. Yeah, Amazing show. I started right in the middle three rows from the stage, but soon decided to move to the right. The heat was really intense in there. I was jumping up and down through most of the show while trying to sing along. Piper never dies was really cool live. I naturally jumped several feet in the air during Vain Glory Opera and Land of the miracle was a nice breather before I went nuts during Lavatory Love machine and of course King of fools where I became the ultimate jumping machine again.

At the end of the show when Tobi asked which song we wanted to hear I was of course screaming for Theater of Salvation, but apparantly all he heard was Out of control... Ahh well it is another of my favorites, so it didn't matter too much.

Overall it was a really great show. I left happy and dehydrated...

Now I'm really looking forward to seeing them again at ProgPower in Atlanta where they will have to play that most ultimate song of theirs, Theater of salvation. Please Edguy?

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Comment by Morten (Anonymous) - Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Hi there Steen,

I've been digging you site for a while, heck I even won a Project Failing Flesh album of it. But there is one thing I'm missing, and that is a musician list in your reviews it could be just below the the track list or at the end of every review.
Cheers and keep up the good work, and it's nice to see an Århusiansk ;-) page getting some reconetion.

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, June 30, 2004
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Hey Morten! Thanks for your support. We will take that suggestion into consideration and discuss it on our next staff meeting. I like it and think it would be a good improvement, but it means more work hehe
Keep it heavy!

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Comment by Morten (Anonymous) - Tuesday, July 6, 2004
Haw Steen,

Glad you like the idea!

Keeping it heavy, always!!!

Comment by Mads (Anonymous) - Monday, August 16, 2004
Hi Steem thanks for the mention, you know I am the true metal midget hahaha...

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Saturday, August 28, 2004
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Steem?? Hhmmm what is a Steem? Must be a word only midgets use... :) Haha

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Saturday, August 28, 2004

Comment by Mads Aanum (Anonymous) - Saturday, August 28, 2004
Well I could tell you but then I'd had to kill you or turn you into a Green Cow with yellow legs... and I just don't want that, because you would just like that you steem you... hahaha... Hey Good luck with the moving... go see raunchy tonight and you'll be ready for the move tomorrow hahahaha... see you later...

Comment by Jacob (Anonymous) - Wednesday, September 1, 2004
Have you heard about a danish band called Illdisposed? You should chech em´out!! Their really cool and HEAVY. Just an ide...

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Friday, September 10, 2004
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Yeah, I have heard of them and you are actually not the first one to tell me I should check them out. Any good place to start?

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Friday, September 10, 2004

Comment by Prem (Anonymous) - Friday, October 8, 2004
Steen - AMAZING website.. firstly i love the deign of the website - the colour, the shading just too good.. and this adds splendour to the beauty...
Secondly - such amazing reviews, i treasure this website! I have given the url to many of my friends.. We live in india and we crave for heavy metal.
So, just in case if u meet any of big bands like maiden, megadeth ask them to play in india - we will outdo the number in rio, donnington and other metal capitals in the world!!!!!!
This website rocks man... and i would like to see more reviews on the kings of metal - Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer(i havent found any on this website!!!!!!)
Nevertheless good work! and keep this work going.
This is the first time i am giving a feedback to any of the good websites i visited! Hope i honoured u guys! Take Care

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Friday, October 8, 2004
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Hey Prem!
Thanks for your feedback! It means a lot to get such great response. Very cool to have readers all the way from India. I will be sure to send any bands I talk to your way from now on :) I know we have several well known bands missing from the site, but one day, I promise, we will have all the known bands of this world on here. Ok, that was a far out promise, but I'm listening to the new Rhapsody at the moment so that may explain it... Seriously though we are slowly, but surely adding more bands and Slayer will be added too.
It was great to hear from you. Rock on!

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Friday, October 8, 2004

Comment by florin (Anonymous) - Thursday, December 9, 2004
hey steen,can u contact me on i want to know something

Comment by Pe (Anonymous) - Saturday, December 11, 2004
Hey Steen,kan i ikke lave nogle Green Day anmeldelser,de rocker da for vildt,det sidste nye er faktisk fedt,du skulle lytte til det...nogle gange i et trip,syntes jeg faktisk der er lidt beatles over det,men det er jo også mig der syntes det,ikke for at lave nogle samligninger...Hilsen Bjarne PE

Comment by prem (Anonymous) - Friday, January 7, 2005
hi steen, its prem again from india
Just a thought - U know about the tsunami waves that have hit the coastal india, indonesia, sri lanka and other countries
Y not ask some big guys like Maiden to come to india - play for us and donate some amount to tsunami relief?
These bands havent played here even once!
If they can donate some money to tsunami relief - Its great!
If they can play here, i am sure thousands will turn up - will be better

Comment by prem (Anonymous) - Friday, January 7, 2005
I thought since u r the owner of a popular website, u can take this issue further and meet the band members in person and talk about this.
Of course the most important factor is to contribute to the relief fund.
If they could as well come here and play - trust me, the response will be overwhelming

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Saturday, January 8, 2005
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Hi Prem!
I would like nothing more than to be able to call up Bruce Dickinson and tell him that Iron Maiden should get their ass to India and play a benefit concert. Man, if I had some money I would fly them down there myself... But unfortunately I don't have any direct contact to any band members like that. You could make a petition of some kind and get it to the band's management through their record company.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Saturday, January 8, 2005

Comment by Maiden Fan (Member) - Tuesday, January 25, 2005
This profile has not added a picture

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U freakin shocked me by rating brave new world by a mere 5.5!
What the hell were u thinking dude?
U thought iron maiden is worth that much.. Come on man, i agree that it is not in the vein of SSOASS, NOB, but still in the top 5 for sure..
Being the owner of the website.. and having that much a large collection of heavy metal, i feel this is an insult for any true metal lover.
I know this is your opinion.. but i am sorry dude (this is me.. and i have that much more passion for maiden than anyone else).. i didnt expect a metal freak to rate an album like this.
U thought blood brothers is dragging..? ohh please dude... give me a break.. its one of the best songs written by steve.. and u must watch the rock in rio DVD, the crowd was really into the song.. and the overall melody takes ur breath away..
I have no clue as to how u gave this "cheap" rating which they dont deserve!

Ulrick!.. i hope u r hearing...
5.5/10 for brave new world?
U surely must have some comments for our friend steen

This album deserves a minimum of 9, and if anyone gives less than that... please go and hit ur head against the wall.. coz u dont know what metal is all about...

Steen, again sorry if i offended u.. but this is just me!!!!
Maiden rulez bro

Posted by Maiden Fan
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, January 26, 2005
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Hey Maiden fan,

Have you read our rating descriptions? 5,5 is a just above average grade. That is how I feel about this particular album and not Maiden in general. I am a big Maiden fan, believe it or not, but Brave New World is one of my least favorite Maiden albums, I think many of the songs are uninspired and boring compared to their other albums. It has several good moments too, but overall this album was a huge disappointment for me and I can only be honest and rate it according to MY opinion of it. If I did anything else then I wouldn't have any integrity. A rating of 9 for this album on our scale is out of this world to me but I guess it doesn't speak to me in the same way it speaks to you (or Tommy for that matter). 9 is as close to the perfect album as you get and to me this comes nowhere near it.

Well, you only offended me a little by implying that I'm an idiot who don't know a thing about Metal just because I don't have your opinion. But I can't take that too serious. I knew my opinion on Brave New World would get some people mad.

In the end I agree, "Maiden rulez". But all their albums don't have the same high quality.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Comment by Maiden Fan (Member) - Wednesday, January 26, 2005
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No hard feelings bro..
I was too pissed to see one of my fav albums of my all time fav band just getting 5.5
I didnt know what i was typing.. i just couldnt come to terms with someone rating BNW with 5.5
U r right.. its "ur" opinion and u have to rate it accordingly..
Still, i cant believe steen.. just one question.. how many times have u listened to the album?
Please listen to it a couple of times... u urself will later feel vindicated coz maiden just gets better the more u listen to them.
Rock on!
Great website! - My fav for heavy metal, The best i have ever seen!

Posted by Maiden Fan
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Comment by Maiden Fan (Member) - Wednesday, January 26, 2005
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Just a thought...
When u had written a review on Enuff Z nuff.. damn i cant even get their name correct... there was a comment by ulrick!

"Well, when I read your review, I feel that your objectivity has disappeared. This is a review written by a fan, and not an objective reviewer."

I agree 100%... there is no better way to hit the nail on its head than this comment..

If that album... seriously mediocre can get a BLOODY 10?
and brave new world... a mere 5.5

With due respects to u... i must agree that ulrick has been the most "unbiased" writer on this website... Being that great a fan of maiden... he critically showed the weak points of No prayer for the dying, virtual...

Again steen... the reason for this message being.. i love this site that much more than anyone else.. I simply LOVE this site...
That is the reason i want all the writers to write reviews taking all the view points.. and not just their personal preferences...

Posted by Maiden Fan
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, January 26, 2005
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Hey Maiden fan,

First, it's good to hear you dig the site so much!

My comments in Tommy's review were very short and concentrated on a few negative points of why I think the album is just above average rather than up to their usual standard. I would like to write a full blown review where I do an in depth comment on why I feel that way about the album and you would probably understand me better, but I just don't have time right now. What I wanted to to was to put my opinion out there because I disagreed strongly with the rating. I could have gone more in depth, but there you go...

I have heard BNW at least 15 times by now. When it came out in 2000 I was seriously disappointed and held off listening to it for a long time. Started again last year and really wanted to love it but it still didn't do much for me compared to their other works. I'm not saying that my opinion won't change in the future but at the moment I just don't think it will. This is also one of the reasons I held off commenting on the review for so long (The first version has been online since 2002). Because I wanted to be sure of my opinion.

When you call Enuff Z'nuff's Strength mediocre I want to direct your last three comments right back at ya! How many times have you heard it? If you believe that I praise that album just for the fact that I'm also a fan of the band, then you are dead wrong. I will be just as critical when they do an album of lesser quality. I'm not perfect, but I hold my integrity very high.

To quote myself from back when Ulrick commented on my Enuff Z'nuff review: "When I write a review I make it personal and state my own personal opinion. If that takes away from your definition of objectivity, then that's your feeling, but we each have different writing styles. If reviews were 100% objective then they wouldn't be very fun to read... And that (fun) is a big part of what this site is about."

To put it shortly: The reviews I write are reflections of my opinion and feelings towards an album. All I can tell you is that I do take all the view points into consideration on my way to reaching that opinion. It's up to you if you believe me or not.

Most Maiden fans I have met love Brave New World, but I am one of the fans who don't. Can we agree to disagree?

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Comment by Maiden Fan (Member) - Wednesday, January 26, 2005
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Can we agree to disagree? - that is ur question..

My answer - Yes and No

Yes - Because "The reviews I write are reflections of my opinion and feelings towards an album" - that is what u have mentioned.. and rightly so, but let me change the word "review" to that of a "view".
As a person ur views ought to be respected by anyone!

No - Because, dude! ur review is being read by hundreds of viewers online.. and they have the feeling that ur view is what "people" have on a particular album, which u have to "bring forward" to them
People "BUY" albums after reading reviews...
Definitely u have to pin ur views.. but when 99.99% of the people like the album and u dont, and u r doing that on a large scale basis ("view" and "review" are 2 different things my friend)
u have to definitely go "with the flow"

How about this - If i had to rate any of the pop albums according to "my" views, or any of the commercial or glam albums, i would hardly give them an excess of 5/10. Do u think it will do any good if people actually are guided by my reviews?
But since i am given a job of doing the review, what i would do is to have a look at how it is doing commercially, ask people how they feel about the album, take a collective decision after chatting with my collegues (did u actually do that?)
If i "dislike" an album, i would certainly mention it there but if 99% like it, i would strongly mention a line or two which might be something like "please buy the album - most of my mates like it, but i dont"

There is also a very subjective issue when it comes to rating albums?

If Enuff z nuff - strength can get 10.
Compare it with

Iron maiden - Powerslave, SSOASS, NOB, Piece of mind
Or a Slayer - Reign in blood,
Judas priest - Painkiller,
Black Sabbath - Paranoid,
Metallica - Master of puppets

Do u think justice is being done to all these albums and all the acclaims they have achieved just becoz "u" like that album and consider it right up there?

If an album is so bloody good as to get a perfect score... trust me steen it would have danced its way to glory at least in the world of metal, where the only focus is on the music.. and we dont give a damn to anything else

Overall steen, i just love to spend my time in musical discussions such as these, had a nice chat and thanx for taking ur time away and responding back to my comments

Stay metal!
Rock on bro!

Posted by Maiden Fan
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, January 26, 2005
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Dude, in your "No" reasoning you're telling me to dance!! You won't ever see me writing a review to fit into what the majority of people think. That is not how I'm built, and that is not what this website is built around. Since my opinion is on the same page as Tommy's 9/10 review and only takes up like one-fifth of the space I hardly think that my comments will be the only ones that guide people. There is room for both views and that is what I think makes things interesting once in a while.

I don't agree with your view on how a review should be done, so let's just leave it there.

I have a wide taste in music and I am not bound by genres. To me it does not matter if the music is pop, glam, commercial or whatever. What matters to me is that the music is long lasting, has feeling and gives something back to the listener. It just so happens that especially Heavy Metal is where I have found that in spades.
Just because an album is good does not mean that it will get recognition. If that day comes then my job is done. You can't judge an album on what other people think of it or how well it sells. Each person has to make up his or her own mind. Different people have different taste and there is not much to do about that. Other than try and influence them of course :)

Keep reading, and bang on!

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Comment by David Boekholz (Anonymous) - Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Dear Steen,
My compliments for your site . It looks great and give's me ( a true melodic rock fan )a lot of information. The reason for this comment is that I was astonished after reading the review of Mennen's "Freakazoid " . It's tasteless and seems to me more as being some personal insult dan a real honest review. The review is too long for just a bad review and contains too much typical inside information.
I just want to ask you to take a look at it carefully , because I think it's a shame for your website to publish something like that. Many thanks in advance

'Keep up the good work !

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Tuesday, March 1, 2005
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Hi David!

Thanks for your comments on the site! About the Mennen review, I do believe it is Alanna's honest opinion and not some kind of personal vendetta. I haven't heard the album and can't say if I agree with the review or not. The way I see it, I have to completely trust the people who are on the staff and let them express their views and if they feel a certain way that may not be popular with everybody then I will surely not start some kind of censorship.

Each person on the staff has their own writing style and yeah, Alanna's comments can sound pretty harsh sometimes, but they are often done with a sense of humor that may not click with everybody. She has upset people in the past and will probably continue to do so in the future.

But keep reading David, and I'm sure you'll find something here you'll like.

All the best,

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Tuesday, March 1, 2005

Comment by Dirk Roedenbach (Anonymous) - Saturday, March 12, 2005
Hi there,
I think I have to agree with you that people are allowed to express themselves to what they want to say or write. But I have to be honest that I also think that here is a personal vendetta against mennen. I saw a lot of reviews but never such a direct attack to a band like this.
because most of the time it is about music and not about the persons in a band. I hope that you as an editor who takes his site serious, will do something about this.
for he rest keep up the good work with the cool site!!

Comment by Maiden Fan (Member) - Saturday, March 12, 2005
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Hi Steen,
Just wanted to say - This page is getting bigger and bigger.. Probably u might want to edit the page and delete my "long" comments that made u talking for a while!
I really LOVE this site man.. Thats y the criticism man.. its constructive criticism nevertheless.. So take it in the right spirits
Also I suppose Megadeth have 10 studio albums and ur staff has just reviewed one album.. which i feel is unfair to mustaine and his sheer speed..
Also i dont see a name called "Slayer"...
I suppose the band is somewhere close to metal to get a mention at least?
For reign in blood's sake?

Posted by Maiden Fan
Saturday, March 12, 2005

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Sunday, March 13, 2005
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Hey maiden fan,
Thanks for the words! Nah, I won't delete the earlier discussion. I think some important points came across so it's cool with me.
I know a lot of great bands are somewhat absent from the site. But the thing is that we started this site only 2½ years ago and we can't have everything online already. We are also getting bombarded with new and interesting releases all the time so it is often hard to find time to write about all those good old cd's in our collections. Personally I still have a loooong way to go before all the albums I want to write about will be online. I just have to take one thing at a time and make sure it's done properly. You can be sure that Slayer and Megadeth will eventually get more coverage.

We do actually have two Megadeth reviews online in case you missed one of them. Rust in Peace and Peace sells...

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Sunday, March 13, 2005

Comment by Maiden Fan (Member) - Friday, March 25, 2005
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Hey ho.. Dont i love this website more than u do?? I guess so..
I wanted to tell u and all the readers about something - U have this option of posting a comment for every review.. Now many of them just use this to vent their anger upon the album/dvd that they dont like...
Hence sometimes u find an entire para with words "F*** u" written repeatedly..
Please take some action against these.. Delete them.. doesnt go with the website really..
Anything related to the review should be most welcomed.. not otherwise

Posted by Maiden Fan
Friday, March 25, 2005

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Friday, March 25, 2005
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Yo maiden fan,
Based on pure principle I would hate to start deleting comments which I found unsuitable. I have often had an urge to do it but haven't done it so far, only in a few extreme spam cases have comments been deleted. But you are right, many of the comments have no substance and are only very annoying. In the end I guess it reflects that there are a lot of unintelligent people in the world.

One thing that really irritates me is when people steal each others names. I have therefore begun making kind of a community system where people can get a unique username, which no one can steal, along with many other benefits. This will also make it possible to claim your older comments. Still haven't decided if anonymous comments should be allowed or not, but know that I'm working on it and it is still some time into the future before this is activated.

If you have found some extreme cases of comments you think hurt the site then you are very welcome to email me the ID numbers of the articles and I will look into it. (See the ID numbers in the address line of the browser)

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Friday, March 25, 2005

Comment by Deano (Anonymous) - Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Næste gang blir det vist med en smuuuule mindre headbang -LOL hey - kan da bevæge hoved/nakke næsten normalt igen :D

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, May 4, 2005
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Hail to you! (Graaandmaaaaaa!!)
Enhver person der får hold i nakken af for meget headbanging må betegnes som cool. Vi går snart amok igen hehe
Bravery caaaalls my name....

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, May 4, 2005

Comment by Mikill (Anonymous) - Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Greetings i'm a symphonic metal artist & a supporter of extreme metal and wondering how i can summit an extreme metal band to your links :)

Comment by John Hedström (Anonymous) - Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Hi, how is it, well u are probably on wacken now. im kind of angry that i couldent take time of, would realy want to be there,
i read your diary of Earthshaker. and i got shiwering when i read about the konsert, i want to re-see it,, yea yea..

hope ill se u and party down there next yar to,,,

by the way,, next year on Srf u must contact me,, i am nott braging, but we always have the best partyspot on the place, so come there with your friends and join us...

John H the pink swedish guy

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Saturday, August 13, 2005
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Hey John! (Pinky :))

That is a deal. We shall lay waste to your camp next year at Sweden Rock!

You must send me your email address so I can get in contact with you.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Saturday, August 13, 2005

Comment by Deano Roxx (Anonymous) - Thursday, November 10, 2005
Hey you.
En lille hilsen fra Birmingham.
Saa TWISTED SISTER og Alice Cooper igaar.
Skal se Motorhead iaften, nu baade de og jeg alligevel er her. LOL
Ville ha sms'et dig, men har ikke faaet dit # over paa min online liste - og har ikke min phone med:

Fik email fra skal spille i Hamburg (paa "The Logo"...kender det ikke?!) d.3.december!
Jeg skal helt sikkert koster 2000+ (!!!), saa det maa blive EuroLines - de koster kun 5-600kr.
Ikke saa comfy som en flyvetur, men er lige blevet fyret, saa pengene er lidt smaa :\ maa & skal se Tigertailz!

Nogen af Jer der vil med derned??

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Thursday, November 10, 2005
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Yo Grandma!! :)
Jeg skal ikke med til TigertailZ og da slet ikke i Hamburg... Der går lige et par måneder mere inden jeg tør vise mig i den by igen haha. Sparer op til min Manowar turne i April og Stream of Passion i Januar. Go' koncert i aften! Hils Lemmy og sig BØØØØØHH!!

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Comment by Deano Roxx (Anonymous) - Saturday, November 12, 2005
Haha - hvad har du nu lavet?

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Saturday, November 12, 2005
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Det må vi hellere snakkes ved om på et senere tidspunkt. Det skal ikke offentliggøres her haha...

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Comment by Deano Roxx (Anonymous) - Sunday, November 13, 2005
That bad, eh?


Comment by Andrés (Anonymous) - Thursday, June 8, 2006
Hi there man!!! great site!! I´m from Costa Rica, I just wanted to tell you that this site really kicks ass!!! A lot of info for the metal fans. Good luck!!!!

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Sunday, June 11, 2006
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Thanks man! Good to hear you enjoy the site.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Comment by Nancy Cairns, Easyrider Magazine (Anonymous) - Monday, April 30, 2007
Greetings Almighty Steen, from Hollywood, California!

You really get around bro! What an absolutely awesome life you live!

Me too, only on a much smaller scale. 12 years in the US, Canada, and Mexico covering the most outrageous motorcycle concerts and events. We have stories to tell, don't we! I have already started my book, have you too?

Steen, I'm going to Canada in July where I'll be going to three concerts of Nazareth....from Scotland. It is the last leg of their whirlwind worldwide tour. I've already established VIP backstage and interview status.

You know, they aren't getting any younger, and they have been on the road constantly for over eight months, performing to sold out venues worldwide. And, the audience is more young than older. Russia funking loves them!

I am prepared to write and photograph an historical piece on the band. I am in contact with the fans, venues, and promoters worldwide.

If you are interested, please let me know. I have not signed anywhere for an exclusive.

In the mean time, brother, rock on! The music is the juice of life! It's terminal! Once it gets inside it's there forever!

You can contact me at:

I would be happy to share some of my work.

Nancy Cairns

Comment by Andrew Nicolson (Anonymous) - Monday, June 18, 2007

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Monday, June 18, 2007
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No, it's NI!
Ah, those were good times.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Monday, June 18, 2007

Comment by Andrew (Anonymous) - Thursday, June 21, 2007

Comment by Nicky Brown (Anonymous) - Thursday, September 13, 2007
Hey Steen,

Det glædede mig enormt at falde over jeres site. Jeg oplever DK some et u-land mht prog, så opdagelsen af RZM var extra stor.

Jeg bor i Vangede nord for Kbh. Jeg er venner med Claus og Mads fra Intromental.

Jeg er netop nu igang med at læse rundt omkring på RZM, og glæder mig over mange ting.

Jeg har lige taget et citat fra dig til "mit" site The Shattered Room, et Arena chat forum, som jeg er meget aktiv i:;topicseen#msg23503

Jeg vender tilbage til jer. Ville bare lige sige hej indledningsvist - på dansk, senere bør det vel være på engelsk (som egentlig er mit førstesprog).

Tak for jeres fantastiske arbejde, og rock on!

Nicky Brown

Comment by Nicky Brown (Anonymous) - Thursday, September 13, 2007
Ups, så lige en fejl. Min e-mail er sfl


Comment by Steen (Staff) - Friday, September 14, 2007
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Hey Nicky,
Yeah, best to stick to English... But thanks man! It was great to hear from you. I hope you discover some gems here.
All the best,

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Friday, September 14, 2007

Comment by Maiden Fan (Member) - Friday, October 19, 2007
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Hey Steen,

Hope u remember me....

Maiden were in India - on 17th march, 2007.

Are u interested in some indian rock music???
Always wanted to send u some stuff.. Will e-mail sometime in the near future

Posted by Maiden Fan
Friday, October 19, 2007

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Friday, October 19, 2007
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Yeah of course I remember you. Check your profile.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Friday, October 19, 2007

Comment by Maiden Fan (Member) - Tuesday, October 23, 2007
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Hey Steen,
Just for your information

Maiden are going to tour India again, in 2008. Though the dates are not confirmed.
Bruce said during the show - "I know there are people who have waited for more than 17 years to watch maiden perform in India. But I promise you all that you wont have to even wait 17 months before we come to India again"

Posted by Maiden Fan
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Thursday, October 25, 2007
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Excellent! Yes, I have seen the news. I am catching them for certain at the Wacken Open Air festival in 2008 but hopefully they will also make it to Denmark. The setlist should be a dream.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Comment by Dark Lord (Member) - Monday, December 17, 2007
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Hi Steen, I don't know if you know the band "Anathema" or not, but considering your taste in music i think you'd like them; specially "Eternity (1996)" and "Alternative 4 (1998)" are great albums.

Posted by Dark Lord
Monday, December 17, 2007

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, December 19, 2007
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Thanks for the recommendation. I've made a note to check out those two albums in the future. I am not familiar with the band but the fact that you like Saviour Machine is enough for me to check them out.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Comment by Dark Lord (Member) - Tuesday, January 22, 2008
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Tnx for the recommedations Steen; I can,t believe i forgot to mention Queensrÿche in my list :D, Rage for order and Operation Mindcrime are my favorite Queensrÿche albums.
And who doesn't love Donnie Vie's voice???
In case of Psychotic Waltz,I have`t heard "Into the Everflow" but I really liked "A Social Grace", so i'll check it out and let u know the result ;) (P.S: after a weekend of just listening ot "The Edge" (Eternity X), my expectations are quite high at the moment :D)

Posted by Dark Lord
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Friday, January 25, 2008
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Great! You've definitely got something special to look forward to with "Into the Everflow".

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Friday, January 25, 2008

Comment by Dennis the Menace (Member) - Saturday, February 9, 2008
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HeyHo Steen,
hope that everybody is doing fine and still rockin' the cradles up in Denmark. Wacken is on my agenda and also the Headbanger's OpenAir in Itzehoe which is takin' place one week before WOA. This is gonna mean hard struggle. Furthermore I read the Poison news this week so there is no chance of not flying to Sweden this year. And I mean Priest is on the bill along with Testament Blue Öyster Cult, Carcass, Ministry and so on. Got some problems (that hopefully will be solved soon) with ordering a ticket 'cause I do not own a Master- or Visa-Card, and contacted the Swedenrock-office. Hope to see ya in June (3 days or 4?), greetingz to everybody, Dennis.

Posted by Dennis the Menace
Saturday, February 9, 2008

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Sunday, February 10, 2008
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Hey Dennis!
Great to hear from you! Sounds like a solid festival plan. Sweden Rock, Magic Circle and Wacken are on my schedule, so we will have to arrange a meeting plan when we get closer to June. We will most likely arrive in Sweden on wednesday. Keep me updated on your plans.
Mentally yours,

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Comment by Dark Lord (Member) - Sunday, March 9, 2008
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Hi Steen, what's up????

"Into the Everflow" was and is great as promised; another high rank album in my collection; Tnx again.

Did you get a chance to listen to 'Scream Silence - Aphelia' ?? It was a total surprise to me, I was't familiar with the band and didn't know what to expect; but i was absolutely pleased with what i heard. I know you like To/Die/For (not that they are similar or anything, excetp their style), and somehow i guess you'd like their music too.

I also wanted to ask you (and other writers, if interested), about your top 10 singers of all times; considering voice quality, singing technique and passion.

Posted by Dark Lord
Sunday, March 9, 2008

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, March 12, 2008
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Hey DL!
I'm keeping myself pretty busy here, especially on a particular review...
Good, I thought you'd like the Everflow experience. I haven't gotten hold of "Scream Silence" yet, but I will check it out in the near future. It is on the list.
Regarding favorite singers, I have actually been wanting to write something about that topic for a while now, so I'm not going to list them here, but keep your eyes open for a full article on my favorite singers soon.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Comment by Revgoomba (Member) - Thursday, March 27, 2008
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STEEN!!!! I'm afraid I shant be attending the SR festivities this year, however I shall feel like I had once I read you report no doubt. If you feel like you miss me at any point, just watch this film...
Glasgow to Sweden Rockumentary

You are moo'ing in it!

Posted by Revgoomba
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Friday, March 28, 2008
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Hey Andrew!
Hahaaa, Just watched the video. Very enjoyable! "Moooo", "Moo!" and "Don't ever film me wearing this hat, it's a big NONO!" brings back some fond memories. It is a bit vague though :) Vague space in my brain? No no...
It's a real shame that you aren't coming this year. Damn! Now, who will help me if I pass out?? I will have to put my faith in Stretchy-pet. (Nice one by the way)
Anyway, I will do my best to keep a detailed diary so you can see what you missed and I'm sure Stuart will also regale you with many tales so hopefully you will be back next year.
I send you a mighty Moo! from the Danish highlands! (or something like that... NI!)

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Friday, March 28, 2008

Comment by Revgoomba (Member) - Wednesday, April 16, 2008
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You'd better write a kick-ass review and take loads of photos!

I bought myself a Nikon D40x... wish I was going, I'd love to take some snaps.

Posted by Revgoomba
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Comment by Little Drummer Boy (Member) - Wednesday, February 11, 2009
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Well looks like I have discovered something new definitely that should be checked out. It is a band called XYSTUS. Not sure if you have heard of them. The release I picked up is called Equilibrio which basically is a theatrical production infusing Metal and traditional theatrical/musical style. Though it does not have as many vocalists as Arjen's last monster cast, but it does involve more than 130 people in the production and premiered in the Netherlands. This sounds like a Broadway musical on steroids. It was a nice treat for me since I also like going to the theater to see musicals. Featured vocalists are Simone Simons (Epica; like I had to announce that), Bas Dolmans (Xystus), George Oosthoek (Orphanage) and a couple of renowned Dutch theater vocalist. Now keep in mind Sensory has released the studio recording of "Equilibrio", which features key scenes from the opera, and far as I know no double CD has yet been released. However, the DVD of the production is available.

Unfortunately this is one musical that I doubt will hit the Canadian West Coast. Shame!

Posted by Little Drummer Boy
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Wednesday, February 11, 2009
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Interesting! Just checked out "End of the line" from their website. Definitely something I will check out.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Comment by Little Drummer Boy (Member) - Sunday, November 1, 2009
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The latest Redemption release Snowfall on Judgment Day is a must get. James Labrie is a guest vocalist on one track. Stellar.

Posted by Little Drummer Boy
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Monday, November 2, 2009
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I already have it :) and I agree, it's a fantastic album. It just keeps growing.

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Monday, November 2, 2009

Comment by Little Drummer Boy (Member) - Sunday, February 27, 2011
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Hi Steen

There is a Cd you may want to check out. The Shadow Theory "Behind the Black Veil". It is one of those you need to sit back and listen to closely. May take a few spins. I was immediately captivated and I am now doing back to back spins getting sucked in to this dark and eerie back drop that the lyrics and music provide. Some very well known musicians in the progressive rock/metal scene. One of which you are familiar with. Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz).

Posted by Little Drummer Boy
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Comment by Steen (Staff) - Monday, February 28, 2011
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You're right. I need to check that out. Thanks!

Posted by Steen (Staff)
Monday, February 28, 2011

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