Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet
Even though I only recently began to explore the more detailed world of Bon Jovi, it's crystal clear that this album has classic written all over it. I have noticed a very positive effect about this album; it always seems to improve my mood.
Let's take a closer look at the songs, firmly executed by a band in good form.

Let It Rock opens the show in a slow but hard grooving fashion, a bit stationary but still a pretty good song with a phenomenal guitar solo.

When You Give Love A Bad Name blast through the speakers it's like taking a trip back to the eighties, I mean it just screams nostalgia. From the gentle keys, over the huge sing-a-long chorus to the "ohoo ohoo ohoo" ending section, but good things don't go out of fashion.

Livin´ On A Prayer ranks among my favourite songs of all time, it's just marvellous and contains an unbound power and drive that kicks ass all the way. The climax point is of course the ultra catchy refrain, bound to get any party moving into the next gear.

With Social Disease we come to the down point of the album, being an uninteresting and much too simple cut. The riff has that annoying screaming touch to it and the chorus is rather boring.
A striking solo spot is the only cool element in a disappointing composition.

Wanted Dead Or Alive unfolds a very atmospheric and tense mood through mellow keys and melodic acoustic guitar jamming, Jon's raw approach fits the Western setting very well too.

I find in many of these songs a very vivid nerve and kind of untroubled energy, Raise Your Hands with its relaxed rhythm and bright chorus line is a fine example. The rhythm guitar vigorously leads the way while supporting keys and tight drums fill in the opening spots.

One of the strongest aspects about this band is without doubt their ability to make wonderful and stirring ballads. Without Love is one of them having some fantastic symphonic keys and a great soft chorus. And with the line I've been through some changes I just can't help singing along. It's just one of those lines.

I'd Die For You has a hard rocking mid-tempo rhythm and a more serious atmosphere. Brilliantly mixing keys and guitars for some interesting passages. The drums really stand out in this one, powerful and intelligently executed.

Never Say Goodbye is the albums second ballad and once again the softer side in me surrenders to this wonderful creation. Just listen to the way Jon sings the intense mid-section passage, emotional and captivating to say the least.

If some songs fit a certain time of the year more than others, then Wild In The Streets is undoubtedly a summertime tune, there is just something about it's bright mood and carefree lyrical universe that makes me think about this great time of the year.
The wild guitar solo is downright amazing and really enhances the feeling of living life to the max.

It's a real pleasure to focus on the bass in these songs, there is a lot of stuff waiting to be discovered and this is all in all a fantastic performance with lots of creativity. Take the powerful style in Livin´ On A Prayer or the deep and soulful approach in Never Say Goodbye.

I'm listening to the 1998 digitally remastered version and the sound is brilliant, well weighed out and with plenty of punch and nerve.
When evaluating the lyrics it's pretty much about the different shades of love and having a good time, refreshingly uncomplicated, direct and well written.

Divine party hits, hard pounding rockers and stunning ballads, well you got it.

Written by Tommy
Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Show all reviews by Tommy


Tommy: 8/10

Members: 9/10 - Average of 2 ratings.

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Profile picturenotrap

Rating: 10/10
Bon Jovi was (and still is) one of those bands totally forbidden on any headbanger playlis... · Read more ·
Profile pictureSandra

Rating: 8/10
This is CLASSIC . My favorite Bon Jovi album. This album rocks big time and defiantly a ... · Read more ·

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Adam Herman (Anonymous) - Thursday, April 7, 2005
This is the album that got me into hard rock. My first step on the journey to prog and power metal.

Comment by Alanna (Staff) - Thursday, April 7, 2005
RevelationZ Staff

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Comments: 245
I remember listening to this when it first came out and was amazed. Was quite the Bon Jovi nut when I was younger. This is still a great album.. full of classics...

Posted by Alanna (Staff)
Thursday, April 7, 2005

Comment by nj23nut (Anonymous) - Tuesday, May 10, 2005
The only Bon Jovi album that is worth listening to. While it is total hair metal, there are some cool guitar rifts and catchy songs on the album. I still don't know how this band got as big as they did, but I kinda like this album. 7/10

Review by Sandra (Member) - Wednesday, May 13, 2009
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Comments: 36
Ratings: 25
This is CLASSIC . My favorite Bon Jovi album.
This album rocks big time and defiantly a party rocker. You can put this album on and turn up the volume as high as you can and have a blast. When you are throwing a party, and even next day, when you find yourself cleaning up with hangovers, you will still raise your hands (sorry) and sing a long, trust me ;) and the cleaning - in the Bon Jovi-ecstasy - it will take no time.
Let it Rock is so simple and yet soo cool and the keyboard in the beginning is so cool. Sing along and have fun. And yes, Richie Sambora is amazing on the guitar.
Ladies and gentlemen: Livin' on a prayer is THE ULTIMATE party song. There is nothing like Livin' on a prayer at a party, the spirit - it will never die that's for sure. Just the tense start and then "once upon a time not so long ago.." damn it's great. Have I mentioned the chorus? It sets me free ;) the baseline is also very groovy.
Social Disease, I agree, this song is a no go - nothing brilliant - A little bit too monotone for my taste and not a real rocker.
Wanted Dead or alive - "Sometimes you tell the day by the bottle that you drink" - I love it and cannot help singing a long ;) The western feeling ahh - I love the acoustic guitar. Jon's voice is amazing; raw and yet clear. The breakthrough with the guitar solo is incredible.
Raise your hands and You give love a bad name, are two great rockers and they will improve your mood instantly.
Without love is a lovely song and one thing that really impresses me is the fact that they have balls to always show their feelings.
I'd die for you: love this song, and so does my girl heart. The keyboard is so 80ties and great and the lyric :)
Never say goodbye goes also straight into my girl heart - quite depressing. Some would say it's kinda cheesy, but it really isn't - guess it's just because I'm a girl?
Wild in the streets, free-minded is the keyword - brilliant song.

Outstanding hard rock album - that's for sure.

Rating: 8/10

Posted by Sandra
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Review by notrap (Member) - Tuesday, September 22, 2009
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Comments: 55
Ratings: 66
Bon Jovi was (and still is) one of those bands totally forbidden on any headbanger playlist.
Bands like Cinderella, Warrant or Poison were always public enemies for the "true" Metal fan.
-Baaa!! Those posers...I hate them all.... (just listen to Manowar ;)

Well...I suppose I'm not a headbanger...
This record is definitely a hard-rock classic. Like it or not, Bon Jovi made excellent rock songs and this record is especially good.
Excellent production, Excellent songs and a heavy billboard Hit.

Songs like Livin´ On A Prayer or You Give Love A Bad Name are absolute classics (thanks to Desmond Child)

Rating: 10/10

Posted by notrap
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Review by Tommy

Released by
Universal - 1986

1. Let It Rock
2. You Give Love A Bad Name
3. Livin´ On A Prayer
4. Social Disease
5. Wanted Dead Or Alive
6. Raise Your Hands
7. Without Love
8. I'd Die For You
9. Never Say Goodbye
10. Wild In The Streets

Hard Rock

Related links
Visit the band page

Bon Jovi - Official Website

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1 - Horrifying
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