Sunday, October 5, 2008 - Virgin Steele Reissue news
News from Virgin Steele:

On October 31st. Halloween. Virgin Steele will be Re- Releasing their albums Life Among The Ruins, The Marriage Of Heaven & Hell "Part I", And The Marriage Of Heaven & Hell "Part II". These discs will be issued in Europe through the German label Dockyard 1. All three albums will contain bonus tracks and new booklets and liner notes.

As bonus tracks on "The Marriage Part 2" album, the group has included two live performances recorded in Germany, and on "Life Among The Ruins ", they have included several live acoustic tracks that were recorded in the living room of David 's house during rehearsals. As regards these live acoustic rehearsal tapes David DeFeis had this to say, " Upon listening back to those recordings, we felt that we had achieved a really interesting mood. the performances are really raw, honest and direct. We did not add any multi - track overdubs or any additions whatsoever, they are just the stereo recordings presented live and unvarnished as we played them. In this age of high technology we felt that it was nice to do something really raw and low- tech. The songs work well in this stripped down format, and the feeling in the room was incredible. At some point we may actually release an entire disc of these various live onstage performances and rehearsals we have in our archives. As regards the full band live is the same... no overdubs or enhancements. The tracks were recorded with just a simple stereo cassette playe, not a multi - track high- end machine".

In addition to the above, the re- issue s of the album s NOBLE SAVAGE and AGE OF CONSENT will at last be released in the USA on October 21st and November 4th respectively through Locomotive Records.

A brand new VIRGIN STEELE album will appear early in the New Year. Stay tuned to us here for more information and the full track listings.

Many Cheers and a Royal THANKS to you All!

Mark Gorman
Posted by: Steen

RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Alanna (Staff) - Sunday, October 5, 2008
RevelationZ Staff

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Comments: 245
Oh MAN I have to have Life Among the Ruins again.
Its one of the best albums..... ever.
I have owned two copies. Both which met terrible fates.
It is an INCREDIBLE album and I am pleased to see it being rereleased along with the Heaven and Hell duology.

If only DeFeis could recreate his days of glory here... I'll keep hoping!

Posted by Alanna (Staff)
Sunday, October 5, 2008

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