Sunday, July 22, 2007 - Mac issues statement
It seems that Mac has left Threshold for good. Here is a statement he posted yesterday at the official Threshold forum:

"Sorry it took so long to give this stament. But, I`m also sorry it took me so long to realise I had to get on with the rest of my life and eventually make a decent living. I know the timing was bad and I`m very grateful to Damian for standing in for me. Unfortunately it`s absolutely impossible to live on fresh air alone. Next time you listen to a Threshold album picture my girlfriend having to work overtime to make it possible for me to go on tour, not to mention all the jobs I chose to give up to continue with Threshold. Once again, the timing was bad.... I was up all Friday night (13.07.2007) considering this and decided it was time to support my family 100%. For all the Fans out there take what you have and enjoy it (I know I was devasted when Led Zeppelin came to an end). Thanks for all your support, all the best for Threshold and Threshold Fans for the future,
Cheers Mac"
Posted by: Steen

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