Harem Scarem - Live at The Gods 2002
Canadian Harem Scarem is the first live release from "The Gods" festival held in England earlier in 2002. Harem Scarem is well received even though this was their first time in England.

The concert is displaying a pretty tight and skilled band. Especially singer Harold Hess sounds amazing. His voice is still in great shape and that is very important in this genre.

The concert encompasses Harem Scarem's entire career. Before listening to this album I had labeled Harem Scarem as a standard band. The live performance contains some standard songs, but strong material overshadows them like Hard to Love from their first album.

Harem Scarem are better playing in the last part of the concert. After they are getting warmed up we are treated to some amazing song like Warming a Frozen Rose. The moody Rock 'n' Roller is the album highlight along with the tearjerker Honestly. Harem Scarem are well known for their ballads, which have given them a quite huge market in Japan. Despite that Honestly is a fragile song, where Harold Hess' great vocals are only accompanied by Pete Lesperance guitar, Honestly is a great love song.

Songs from Harem Scarem's critical acclaimed album "Weight of the World" are sounding pretty good. Hats off to the band for including 6 new songs in the setlist and thereby not living in the past. New songs like the riff based rocker Outside Your Window and the beautiful ballad This Aint' Over prove a strong Harem Scarem in the year 2002. The show ends with the almost classic No Justice in the World.

This recording has won new respect from me and proves that melodic rock is alive and well. Harem Scarem are a skilled band and the concert covers diverse styles of the band. With this stellar performance I have great expectations for the up-coming "Gods" shows to be released - especially Hardline, Honeymoon Suite and Eric Martin.

Written by Michael
Thursday, December 19, 2002
Show all reviews by Michael


Michael: 7/10

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RevelationZ Comments

Review by Michael

Released by
Frontiers - 2002

1: Change Comes Around
2: Killing Me
3: Stuck With You
4: Hard To Love
5: Who Buddy
6: You Ruined Everything
7: This Ain t Over
8: See Saw
9: If You
10: Warming A Frozen Rose
11: How Long
12: Honestly
13: Outside Your Window
14: So Blind
15: The Paint Thins
16: No Justice

Supplied by: Nordic Metal

Melodic Rock

Related links
Visit the band page

Harem Scarem - Official Website

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1 - Horrifying
2 - Terrible
3 - Bad
4 - Below average
5 - Average
6 - Good
7 - Very good
8 - Outstanding
9 - Genius
10 - Masterpiece
666 - Unrated

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