Monday, May 10, 2010 - Power Quest Announce New Members
U.K-based metallers Power Quest have announced the addition of former Firewind vocalist Chitral "Chity" Somapala and guitarist Gavin Owen (of Welsh metallers Triaxis) to the group's ranks.

Commented Power Quest keyboardist/mainman Steve Williams: "I'm thrilled to have recruited a vocalist and front man of Chity's calibre. I've known Chity for a couple of years and we have often talked about working together and now we have that opportunity. We have already recorded three new songs with him and they just sound immense."

Regarding Power Quest's new guitarist, Williams said, "Gav's audition last weekend was of the highest standard and we were all very impressed by his playing and how he conducted himself throughout the process. There was an instant chemistry there between him and the rest of the guys and particularly with Andy which bodes well for the future."

Power Quest has confirmed their new album will be called "Blood Alliance". According to the band, "work on the new material continues apace and the songs that have been demoed so far are sounding awesome and true to the Power Quest tradition of catchy, melodic metal."
Posted by: Stuart

RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Craig (Member) - Monday, May 10, 2010
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Oh well, my prediction goes out the window then.

I love the idea of Chity singing for Power Quest, but I honestly can't see him staying with them.

Posted by Craig
Monday, May 10, 2010

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