Adam Lambert - For Your Entertainment
Adam Lambert's big label debut may just be the guiltiest pleasure of the year, the album you put on to lift you up, and then hide when company comes over. "For Your Entertainment" is just what the title suggests, music tailored for pure popful pleasure. After seeing Lambert put goth rock twists on Johnny Cash standbys during his American Idol run, one would have assumed that his disc would follow along these lines. Big rock numbers, a rich moodiness lurking within and vocal performances that just knock your socks right out of the box (or something akin to that). Instead, this is an assembly of songs from mainstream radio's A-team (of the flash-in-the-pan moment) and thus jumps around all over the place. Vocal theatrics are thrown about with the kind of abandon of candy at a parade. It knocks you in the eardrums now and then but is not a constant stream of blow you away moments. There has been too much focus over this being a glam album, and it certainly does exhibit a certain glittery flair. However, the beats are lifted from power pop, Eurobeat, 70s disco and mixed up with occasional glitzes of rock.

Fun, sexy and playful, Lambert sails through the material with a great deal of presence and flirty essence. The dance worthy tracks keep flowing like over priced champagne at a too-fancy party. He raises Lady GaGa's "Fever" a few temperatures higher even while purring his unabashed lust for another man, and sashaying through the stylish pumping romp of "Strut" (which has the sexiest rhythm you may hear this year).

"If I Had You" has a disco dance glitterish whirl, and bounces with a yearning confidence (that confidence is something he has in great abundance). "Pick U Up" is more of the same, but has a gorgeous vocal run to top it off, hitting the high note and just sustaining the intensity. Pink's attitude is quite apparent on "Whatya Want From Me", a letter to the fans perhaps, and has a more straight up rock direction. Lambert struts through this one nicely.
"For Your Entertainment" has a naughty niceness to this blood rushing pulse and ends up being a dizzying booming pop sensation. "Broken Open" is about offering safety to those who are vulnerable when they get close to someone, and its structure and theme is appropriate.

"Music Again" written by The Darkness' Justin Hawkins has a pompous touch. Muse pens the moody "Soaked" that bleeds with darker vocals and a buttery smooth delivery that is the sole thing that makes this song something special. "Sleepwalker" is an atmospheric piece that is like lite goth, and even breaks out the six strings (instead of relying on sonically enthusiastic synth sounds alone). "Sure Fire Winner" has silly lyrics, but a glam rock heartbeat flutters within, and its anthemic chorus is set to dazzle.

"A Loaded Smile" is irritatingly sleepy (from the pen of Linda Perry) and "Aftermath" is a generic, paint-by-numbers radio track. These are a few of the clunkers that either don't deliver emotionally, or fail to entertain properly (as this album is all about the pleasurable pursuit of various entertainments). There is also a lack of true rock moments, besides a few euphoric little breaks. Not to mention the absence of songs he can truly belt. "FYE" is more of a dance-pop platter than a single artist's virtuoso showoff disc. For something hastily put together over a six month period, this is quite the accomplishment, if a pop dance disc is a desired acquisition in your future. 
Rock purists are likely to despise it.

Written by Alanna
Monday, December 21, 2009
Show all reviews by Alanna


Alanna: 7/10

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Review by Alanna

Released by
- - 2009

1 Music Again
2 For Your Entertainment
3 Whataya Want from Me
4 Strut
5 Soaked
6 Sure Fire Winners
7 A Loaded Smile
8 If I Had You
9 Pick U Up
10 Fever
11 Sleepwalker
12 Aftermath
13 Broken Open
14 Time for Miracles


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1 - Horrifying
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