Staff page - Sandra

Sandra is no longer part of the RevelationZ staff. As long as her articles are available on the site, this page will be here.

"Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is good, just, and beautiful, of which it is the invisible, but nevertheless dazzling, passionate, and eternal form."
- Plato.

Hi, my name is Sandra, I was born in 1990 in Esbjerg, Denmark but currently I'm living in Århus where I'm studying Political Science.

I have a passion for Hard Rock and Metal - all of its subgenres, but I'm mostly into: Hard Rock, Prog. Rock, Heavy, Power, Symphonic, Thrash and Progressive Metal.

So, where does this passion for Heavy Metal and Hard Rock come from?

My passion for music slowly started in my early teens, at that time I was into Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Green day and Nirvana.

Well, my passion for metal slowly started after I was blessed with Metallica's "Black album". One day, The "Black album" found its way into my good old Sony Discman, and that day was a turning point. So much energy and it was almost therapeutic. This is still the same view I have on music today; a medium to escape and forget the stressful and chaotic world we live in. Music is also my way of expressing my feelings whether I'm angry, down or happy it will always help. I also quickly discovered that Heavy Metal didn't approach other girls in the same way it did to me, but it didn't hold me back from jumping on my bed like a lunatic to bands like Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, Manowar, Anthrax and Judas Priest etc, while inventing new headbanging/airguitar-moves like a real metalhead. I still do it today, of course ;) 

Another special day in my life was the day where I discovered the band that I'm madly in love with, the band that I simply can't live without and that is: Dream Theater. This magical band has changed many aspects in my life in a way I never thought music could.

Besides spending most of my spare time on music, I like soccer, I love cooking (by which I especially include Manowar, Iron Maiden and some great Melodic Rock), playing guitar, PS2, web designing, computer stuff and movies. I also like reading books and when it comes to fiction Jules Verne rules. He is one of my favourite authors; otherwise I prefer a Stephen King novel once in a while.

Stay heavy and loud

- Sandra
Favourite Bands:

Dream Theater
Pink Floyd
Iron Maiden

...(In no particular order)Manowar, Nightwish, Pain of Salvation, Virgin Steele, Vanden Plas, Symphony X, Fates Warning, Iced Earth, AC/DC, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, Kreator, Pantera, Judas Priest, Guns N´Roses, Rush, Marillion, Black Sabbath, Dio, Kamelot, Sonata Arctica, Statovarius, Saxon, Rhapsody of Fire, Helloween, Avantasia, Edgy, Motörhead, UDO, Accept, D-A-D, Bon Jovi, Led Zeppelin, Meat Loaf, Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Scorpions, Bruce Dickinson, The Beatles, Green day, Whitesnake ... And many other fabulous bands. 

Favourite Albums:
 Dream Theater: Awake
 Dream Theater: Images and Words
 Dream Theater: Scenes from a Memory
 Pain of Salvation: Remedy Lane
 Metallica: Master of Puppets
 Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here
 Virgin Steele: Invictus
 Iced Earth: Something Wicked This Way Comes
 Savatage Gutter Ballet
 Savatage: Edge of Thorns 

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Nina (Staff) - Tuesday, December 8, 2009
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Comments: 40
Hi Sandra!
Welcome to the staff, totally cool that you decided to join us! I'm impressed by your very personal and enthusiastic writing style, and look forward to reading more from you!


Posted by Nina (Staff)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Comment by Sandra (Member) - Wednesday, December 9, 2009
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Comments: 36
Ratings: 25
Hi Nina!

Thanks for the welcome and the kind words :)

- Sandra

Posted by Sandra
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Comment by Blackwing (Member) - Thursday, August 12, 2010
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Hi Sandra!

Thanks for the add!
I hope you'll have a chance to check out some of our music and let us know what you think!
Buy our CD at:
Please have a look at some of the jewelry, sculptures and guitars that I make, send a friend request and leave me a comment or two!
Cheers from Montreal, Quebec, Canada,
John Blackwing
Thunder Rider
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

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