Brother Firetribe - Heart Full Of Fire
The word "homage" cannot encapsulate the rush of sensations this album gives you. As an unashamed tribute to the glory days of the AOR/melodic rock genre it works like a dream.
It's clear that the band's mainmen - Pekka (Leverage) Ansio Heino, Emppu (Nightwish) Vuorinen and Tomppa Nikulainen spent the time since the debut honing their songwriting skills to a razorlike sharpness. Simultaneously and systematically shaping their style into one that is emblematic of an era.
That said, 'Heart Full Of Fire' is more passion than pastiche, and much more of a triumph than a tribute.
It's crystal clear that these talented guys have a firm grasp of the essentials and a sharp eye for the finer points, spinning strands of luminous melodies into concise, punchy rock songs.
The song titles and lyrics - full of unerring simplicity and uncomplicated sentiment - come over as a deliberate attempt to be faithful to the music's eighties' heritage, rather than just an artless bid to reinvent the past.
The bouncy, breezily insistent opener 'Who Will You Run To Now' will remind you immediately of Magnum at their most AOR and most immediate.
It's an attention grabbing first flourish of the band's spine tingling command of orchestral pace and colour.
The elegant, majestic intro to second track 'Wildest Dreams' tags the band as something really special, with forceful, melodic keyboards, full of fire, drive and urgency, pushing the song into an anticipatory bridge and a towering hook.
And the hits just keep on coming. 'Runaways' is marked out by a powerful percussive thump, circling keyboards and a husky, whispered vocal. It eventually ramps up a gear via some heartstopping chord shifts into a blood pumping hook. Outstanding.
The motorised rhythms of the title track, 'Heart Full Of Fire' (a Eurorock duet with Nightwish's Anette Olzon) would not seem out of place being pumped out at high volume in some gigantic Balearic Disco.
Closer, 'I Am Rock's swaggeringly confident chorus has given it the edge for the nomination as next single.
Elsewhere, the album is brimful of melodious workouts, athletic changes of pace, swirling AOR crescendos and angelic rock hymns, all imbued with a positive energy that's impossible to resist.
Subtly sublimated influences abound, from Foreigner, 'Game They Call Love' to Autograph, on the beautifully crafted, eminently accessible 'Heard It On My Radio'.
As if that wasn't enough, the recording is elevated further by a slick production and carefully, cleverly dovetailed arrangements.
It may well be pushing credibility here, but 'Heart Full Of Fire' may just turn out to be as timeless and evocative as the influences that provided its inspiration.

Written by Brian
Thursday, May 22, 2008
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Brian: 9/10

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Rating: 8/10
Not all songs come together, but a great, fun and ultra catchy disc.... · Read more ·
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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Little Drummer Boy (Member) - Saturday, June 14, 2008
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Ratings: 46
I recently bought the first and I love it. By all accounts every review I have read is saying this even better and if this is so then it could be a candidate for best release of the year! The only song I have heard in full so far is the unbelievable cover of Mike Reno's "Chasing The Angels" (Iron Eagle 2 soundtrack). Wow what a magnificent cover!

Posted by Little Drummer Boy
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Comment by Brian (Staff) - Wednesday, June 18, 2008
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Comments: 81
You think 'Chasing The Angels' is great?
Wait till you hear 'Wildest Dreams' and 'Runaways'.
Awesome AOR.

Posted by Brian (Staff)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Comment by gizmo (Member) - Saturday, September 27, 2008
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The is the best melodic/AOR I have heard in a long time, maybe ever, this band really kicks ass. If the members of Nightwish would do such albums then i can easily wait 4 years for a new albums when they release such stuff.
The first album is just as good as this one. They have both been spinning for weeks in my cd player.

Posted by gizmo
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Comment by gizmo (Member) - Saturday, September 27, 2008
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The bonus track Two hearts is that the Magnum track from on a storyteller´s night?

I don´t have it on my album :0(

Posted by gizmo
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Comment by Alanna (Staff) - Sunday, September 28, 2008
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The first album is a staple in my cd player. It's truly fantastic. There are several songs in a row that are just massive, one right after the other.

Truthfully I haven't listened to this one as much but should remedy that I suppose. :D

Posted by Alanna (Staff)
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Review by Tommy (Member) - Saturday, March 14, 2009
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Comments: 74
Ratings: 31
Not all songs come together, but a great, fun and ultra catchy disc.

Rating: 8/10

Posted by Tommy
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Review by Brian

Released by
Spinefarm Records / Universal Records - 2008

Who Will You Run To Now
Wildest Dreams
Game They Call Love
Play It From The Heart
Heart Full Of Fire
Heard It on My Radio
Going Out With A Bang
Out Of My Head
Chasing The Angels
I Am Rock
Two Hearts (bonus track)

Melodic Rock

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Visit the band page

Brother Firetribe - Official Website

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Breakout - (Brian)

Live At The Apollo - (Brian)

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