Knight Area - Under a New Sign
Knight Area is a progressive act that is seeking a larger audience... something that shouldn't be a hard goal to obtain with a high class album such as "Under a New Sign" under their wings. It's a turning point for them as they surely are under a new sign, bringing their staple sounds of ambient, rambling prog rock to a much more metallic ring. This Dutch act melds together the influences of pure prog outfits such as Marillion, IQ, and the heavier Arena. Their uses of unconventional instruments in the "metal" genre also gives the disc a certain allure, as mellotrons and flutes mingle alongside rock staples such as electric guitars and Hammond organs. The seven musician band whips through a cracking seven tracks, including a two parter that serves as bookends that hold up the middle of the disc. This is a definite turn of events from the previous "The Sun Also Rises" where they were a mere studio project. Now they are a full fledged band, and what a difference that has made.

"Sign" is a release full of vibrancy, starting out with "A Different Man" that is awash in atmospheric effects and swirling keyboards. It's like stepping into a new world. A world that's full of uneven ground, rocky sections and then suddenly opens into a serene oasis that offers nothing but cold, cool bliss to wash off the dirt of the angsty lyrics. That feeling fades a bit on the edgy "Exit L.U.M.C." but finds it's footing again for the intense "Mastermind" and the sugar, sweet happy instrumental title track. That one recalls the candy prog of Shadow Gallery's ridiculously gleeful "Crystalline Dream" from so many years ago.

"Courteous Love" is melancholic and strange, finding a moment to showcase the cello and flute pieces evenly. The feel is gently dramatic, but quite symphonic as well. "Dreamweaver" finds just the right pacing, dealing out a heavy dense intro and falling away for those swirling keyboards and a feeling of open space and free flying dreammaking. When the electric guitar gets its time in the sun, its like a spell of magic is cast upon the song as darkness floods in and spoken words give it substance and closure. Then the album is neatly tied up with the conclusion to the opener, a thirteen minute epic entitled "A Different Man Part II". This one curls through a myriad of moods and feelings, rising tempos for synth solos, vocals parting the music into a sense of assured calm, then a bombastic ending that throws everything into the fire for an engaging and powerful finale.

The quality that makes this disc such a delight is that it manages to bring that elusive freshness and mysterious quality that made the inventive prog bands of the mid 90s such as Sanvoisen, "Images" Dream Theater, Eternity X and a multitude of others that found lighter, sweet sounds and fired them hard rock strong in a metal forge. Knight Area is not quite an "A" level band yet, but anyone who has tinkered in prog in the past will likely find this to be a charming disc and a refreshing change of pace from the norm. This is a disc for those with patience and who don't mind sitting through long sweeping solos and music that is more akin to Pallas and Genesis than heavier acts. Even at 55 minutes length it still feels a tad short, due to the instrumental and a two-parter taking the majority chunk of the album, but its still a trip worth taking.

Written by Alanna
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Show all reviews by Alanna


Alanna: 7/10

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RevelationZ Comments

Review by Alanna

Released by
Laser's Edge - 2007

1. A Different Man (7.50)
2. Exit L.U.M.C. (7.41)
3. Mastermind (6.17)
4. Under A New Sign (5.44)
5. Courteous Love (7.08)
6. Dreamweaver (7.38)
7. A Different Man, Part ll (13.07)

Supplied by Intromental

Progressive metal

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