Revølver - Turbulence
Hailing from Canada Revølver is the brainchild of Nick Walsh. Nick Walsh is known as vocalist for Slik Toxik. Slik Toxik was a band I never got into, but that is going to change after Nick's vocal performance on this album.

"Turbulence" is closely packed with dark doomy modern and up-dated Hard rock. Sometimes Revølver sound boring since the music has trouble moving from its starting point. The material has a tendency to sound monotone, since it lacks great hook lines. Several songs need a memorable chorus to differentiate themselves from being blurred. A song like Gasoline has great instrumentation but the structure is a bit "messy", which makes it sound like several bits of songs put together into one song.

The main strength of the album is the crunchy guitars and the powerful vocals. The song Dead Weight is a perfect example of the potent guitars and vocals of Revølver.

The "Turbulence" material does show some potential on the five great tracks.

Pandoras Box is the best track of the album. The song is embraced in a moody emotion with Nick Walsh's vocals as center point. Nick Walsh uses his voice as a strong instrument. On Pandoras Box his vocals start off fragile but are beefed up as the song nears the chorus with layers of guitars to follow.

Dead Weight, Electric Machine, Nosebleed and the mid-tempo Walking are also successful blend of gloomy hard rock with modern influences. What mainly separates those songs from the rest of the album is that these songs have strong melodies.

Revølver's music has substantial rhythms and breaks - sometimes the songs have thrash and grunge tendencies. All in all Revølver is a mix of everything that has been happening in music scene since the late seventies.

Revølver has the sound, the crunchy guitars and a formidable singer. They just need better songs and we have a new essential player on the Rock scene. The album gets better with each listen but still "Turbulence" is a mediocre album, where Nick Walsh should have focused more on hooks. The production is heavy and in your face

Written by Michael
Friday, November 25, 2005
Show all reviews by Michael


Michael: 5.5/10

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Review by Michael

Released by
Sextant Records - 2004

1. Turbulence
2. Juggernaut
3. Pandoras Box
4. Electric Machine
5. Atomic Arcade
6. Gasoline
7. Dead Weight
8. Blue Sky
9. Nosebleed
10. Walking
11. Jesus Wept

Supplied by Revølver

Modern Heavy Rock

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Visit the band page

Revølver - Official Website

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