Interview With Cede Dupont - Symphorce
Written by Tommy

After choosing Symphorce's Godspeed as album of the month, I sent the band some questions by e-mail, guitarist Cede Dupont quickly responded with the following answers.

Q: Hey there, hope you are doing well?

A: Whoooyeahhh, we just came back from the most amazing trip we have ever done, ya know we've been on a European tour with Sonata Arctica and Machine Men, and that was a blast! Not if that would be good enough, we even made it to the States for the first time ever, to rock at the Progpower Festival in Atlanta. Damn I tell you, it's gonna take a while to exactly know what we all experienced in those 3 weeks. Let's say we're on our highway to hell with GODSPEED, hehehehe.

Q: Good work on your new album Godspeed; did the final result satisfy your hopes?

A: Ow absolutely, I mean every band of course says that the new album is the best one in a groups career, but I really think that for our new one too. If you even just take a look at how the album sounds like, then you might agree that it's the best sounding Symphorce album so far! It sounds so fresh and so heavy, goshhhhhhhhhh, I still can't believe we just recorded that piece in like 2.5 weeks, haha.

Q: To me, your new album sounds as the tightest and most balanced to date, was it an easy or difficult process you went by making it?

A: At first place we thought it's gonna take a lot of difficulty, what concerns the recording process, we had to make sure that everything would work out just fine with a new producer (which was Dennis Ward), and we didn't even have more than like 3 weeks to record, mix and master the album, so we were under heavy time pressure, don't ask me how, but we somehow made it, haha.

Q: The song "Nowhere" is one of my favourites; what do you think of that one and can you elaborate on what the song is about?

A: Actually it was the first song I wrote for Godspeed, by that time I just came up with those chords for the chorus, and then I figured out that I should do something different and write a song with a very easy structure, and I think that is what makes Nowhere so unique, it's nothing but 4 chords and that's it. We also played that song now on the tour, and it was clear that it was the song where people got the most crazy every night.

Q: Symphorce has a very unique sound, incorporating different styles and elements; how would you describe your style?

A: To be honest I have no idea how to describe us, I think we play some kind of modern-power-melodic-thrash-groove-metal.
Yeah if I think about it, that's pretty much something that might explain what we play.

Q: What is the biggest strength of the band Symphorce in your opinion?

A: Maybe that we have such a great friendship within the band, and that's what you can hear on our records, that's what you can see on stage when we're playing.

Q: I saw you guys at Wacken Open Air in 2003, your powerful kick ass performance really blew me away. How important would you rate the live aspect of being a band?

A: I think it's the most important thing, if you wanna sell records, then you have to play as much as possible. I think nowadays, people wanna get really convinced, so you gotta play a tight show of course. About the Wacken thing.first: Thank you, and second: I think those kind of gigs really can do a lot for a band, because a lot of people get to see you, of course the promotion effect would be bigger if you play the main stage instead of a hot and stinky tent, haha. But we took our chance, you know we don't really care where to play, we just wanna go out and rock the shit away.

Q: Do you have any crazy rituals in the band, before you go on stage for example?

A: Hahaha, well what do you expect? We're a heavy metal

Q: What kind of music and bands would you describe as you favourite, just name a few important ones?

A: At the moment I'm totally into the new Children of Bodom stuff, and I'm listening to a lot of Jimi Hendrix also at the moment, I mean I think you can see that my musical taste is so spread over from Powermetal, to Death/Melodic Metal, to Blues, there are just so many good bands out there. Hard to mention them all, but for sure Dream Theater, Nevermore, Guns N' Roses and so on, are among my fave ones.

Q: Do you have a full time job besides playing in Symphorce?

A: Let's say: you NEED to have a fulltime job, but I'm fucking jobless at the moment, hahaha.

Q: What do you personally like to spend your time with, besides music of course?

A: I like to hang out with my girlfriend, visiting cities, watching movies, riding my bike, washing my Ferrari.ow well, no, the last one was a damn lie, haha.

Q: What are your plans for the nearby future?

A: Play some single shows, and just try to keep on doing good music.and me personally, I'm gonna take a short break for vacation, can't wait for that :).

Q: Fell free to say a few words to your readers?

A: I hope people will visit us at, and that they'll have the chance to give Godspeed a try, and one more time: SUPPORT YOUR FAVOURITE BANDS, stop downloading, go and buy your stuff!

Q: Thanks for your time; I wish you and the band all the best.

A: Thanks a lot! Hope to see you around for some crazy rituals, hahaha.

Written by Tommy - 10/3/2005

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Matt (Anonymous) - Wednesday, October 5, 2005
How could he say Godspeed is their best album? There's only maybe four or five songs with the familiar badass Symphorce catchiness, and the rest all have generic vocal melodies and even rap-like beats. Sinctuary and Twice Second were way better.

Comment by Markus (Anonymous) - Wednesday, October 5, 2005
I agree with "Matt", how the hell can you think it's their best !? :P "Phorceful Ahead" kicks it like shit hehe. Cool interview though, but maybe too short ? ;)

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