Article - What is the deal with the metal-vest?

Written by Morten

What is the deal with the metal-vest?

I am one of those persons who never understood the metal-vest. I mean I have the odd metal shirt and I used to have long hair (I'm now completely bald btw.), but I have never looked metal, and I never ever did anything to look metal, I have just never felt the need to, look a specific way, I just look how I feel.

But when I go to a show, I see all the people in "metal gear" - the vest, and it seems to me that people think that just because they are going to a metal show, they have to put on their metal uniform, or have I gotten it completely wrong?

I mean do people really like to wear their ill smelling denim-vests covered in all kinds of studs and band patches (heck some of these patches aren't even metal bands, some are just patches of bands who has a metal logo, I mean I've seen Journey patches next to Morbid Angel patches) to work and school every day?

Well the "vest" phenomenon is way bigger in Germany and the US than it is here in little old Denmark where I live, and if you go to a show in say Germany, there will be a lot more people wearing vests than people not wearing vests. And if you go to a festival like Wacken Open Air, you cannot help but to wonder if the vest wearing people get a ticket discount if they tick a little box when ordering their ticket that say: Yes I have a vest!?

To me the vests function has always been a mystery, is it because people don't have the money to buy a t-shirt from each band they like, or is it a wearable metal shrine? Personally I would like to think it is the latter of the two, but what I just don't get is, why does it have to be that ugly, and is it allergic to detergent?

The thing is that I've never felt like I needed to wear a uniform for anything, I am who I am, and I do not need to blend in with the rest, which also means that I have been to a Dream Theater show in a suit and tie (came straight from a business meeting to the show, and you can actually see me in Mike Portnoys audience picture from the Metropolis Part 2 tour from Copenhagen), and I've banged to Cannibal Corpse on the grounds of Wacken Open Air wearing a white shirt (though this time no tie). But this is not only when it comes to metal, I've just never been really good at blending in, not even when I was a corporate kiss ass or even when I was a boy scout. I don't know why, but I just never looked like the rest, even if I tried to.

So come to think about it, perhaps I'm the oddball, perhaps I'm the one who's wrong, the one who doesn't get it? But does this mean this mean I have to take a sewing class?

Written by Morten
Saturday, July 30, 2005

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by metalman (Anonymous) - Saturday, July 30, 2005
dude im with you
iv been listening to metal for so long , that if i dont have metal music playing in the background i cant relax at all
i listen to metal to relax, full stop.

its just a part of my everyday life, i dont need to wear clothes to tell everyone im a metal head

i wear what is comfortable

Comment by Dimitris (Anonymous) - Sunday, July 31, 2005
You are right about the metal gear. I dont like to dress like a metal-head as well.Im dressed cool and im sure that in many cases im more metal in the heart and soul than a guy with long hair and metal t-shirt. I dont need to wear anything to prove im listening to metal. And apart that we look better to the women that we all love.Right Morten?;)
Stay heavy!!!
Drink, rock and fuck

Comment by JCH (Anonymous) - Sunday, July 31, 2005
I completely agree. I work as an economist in Copenhagen and sometimes there isn't enought time to go home and change clothes before you're going to a concert. So I have also tried getting to a metal concert in a business suit and tie (actually think it was Grave Digger on The Rock). A few times I wear a metal t-shirt but most of the times I just wear a polo t-shirt.

I also dress the way I like - and will never put on the "metal gear" just to blend in.

Comment by Jane (Anonymous) - Sunday, July 31, 2005

Ha! Ha! I have to agree. People should dress the way they want. I have often wondered about the Goth dressers and their persistance to darken the eyes with black and such. Seems to scare most non-metal people away.

Thanks for the light hearted comments.

Comment by Carsten (Anonymous) - Sunday, July 31, 2005
Hehe i remember being at a Rammstein concert in a hawaii shirt. That´s not even a special thing i often just have an ugly shirt on when i atend a concert or just drinkin at Therock (danish metal bar).
In my teens i used to have long hair ( i am bald now ) and dress up in a Manowar shirt for concerts nowadays its just hawaii, white, black or karki colored shirt i really don´t care.
I even atended Sonata arctica concert last year in a suit and christmas tie (made quite an impression hehe).

i have never owned a vest or a patch never really got into that

dress like you want i have never been judged by any metalhead becasue i don´t want to wear "the metal dress"

Comment by Nina - RevelationZ (Anonymous) - Sunday, July 31, 2005
Eh?? I don't really get your point.? You are writing about that people should wear what they want. I guess that should go for people who like to show their love and support for the Metal scene in the way they dress as well.?
Personally I like to wear band shirts/spikes/leather/etc. because that is who I am. Simple as that. Not to blend in or whatever. One answer to what the deal with the vest is, could be: It is to some people a part of the "classic" Metal look and also a good way to show a variety of one's musical taste (your example with Journey and Morbid Angel patches next to each other being an example of a person with a broad taste).
Not a thing wrong with wearing a white shirt and tie or something like that, but there should be room for both I guess?
.and yes, I own a vest. Maybe I should go for the Wacken ticket discount, hehe! :)

Comment by metalman (Anonymous) - Monday, August 1, 2005
verdicts out :

nina ur an idiot

Comment by Alanna (Staff) - Monday, August 1, 2005
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Haha, this article gave me quite the chuckle this morning. Thanx! However, I am with Nina on this one, the metal vest is COOL! It shows support for your bands and is kinda like a walking advertisement saying "Hey! I like THESE Bands, what about you?" That follows you no matter where you go. Concerts are kind of like events and alot of people love to dress up for them. Personally, I tend to do the jeans/motorcycle jacket thing with some kind of cute babydoll shirt underneath, instead of THE VEST! but to each their own. Nothing wrong with band shirts either. One of the hottest guys ever was wearing this kind of well worn Iced Earth tshirt, and for some reason that made him even more desirable and HOTTER. You KNOW he loves that band, you KNOW he loves that shirt and something about the metal vibes from that drives metal chicks wild. Ah. That's all. :D

Posted by Alanna (Staff)
Monday, August 1, 2005

Comment by Pat (Anonymous) - Tuesday, August 2, 2005
I'd only go as far as buying the shirts, myself. It's true people have associated an image with metal, and it's one of the reasons people are prejudice against it. Alot of people like the gear, but I'm sure some people wear it to blend in with the image, like Morten says. They go a little too far. Here's a related example: there's an amazing guitarist from a death metal band in developpment, called Sleep Terror (, who didn't get accepted in another band in the past because his hair wasn't long enough.

Comment by Chris (Anonymous) - Monday, August 8, 2005
I really understand what you're saying lol, and I totally agree with you. On my side, I'm wearing "metal" look stuff more as for carnaval than really seriously, that's the metal dress up . Too many people take that too seriously and that's not good.

Comment by shannon (Anonymous) - Friday, August 12, 2005
i'm half bald, no tatoos, a male nurse, and i wear plain tshirts and cargo pants-----I'm as Metal as they come---started in grade 4 with Black Sabbath Mob Rules---I'm 35 now

Comment by Maiden Fan (Member) - Tuesday, August 16, 2005
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Honestly speaking - there should not be a deal with both - wearing the metal vest and not wearing them.
After all we have the freedom to express ourselves in any possible way.
In fact, i am with some of them who commented here that - personally i would love to wear a band shirt just to say - "man.. i love metal, and i support one of the bands of this genre, how about u".
It gives me pride when i wear these "band" shirts.. but then, there comes the question of do i really need them?
Firstly my wardrobe has enough number of t-shirts, shirts, everything - whenever i decide that i have to get myself a band shirt - there is this thought at the back of my mind which says - "dude, i have lots of shirts, i better get myself a cd of the band - which would make me explore the band further and also help the band by buying their records"..
Well, the previous statement i made might strike one of the questions like "Buying band shirts also in a way is to support a band.. isnt it?"..
It is.. but the place i live, we have these local companies produce these shirts of low quality and just have a band logo there.
By buying them, we dont help these bands in any way, also the quality of these shirts r so poor..
I would rather buy a cd of the equivalent money!

Having said all this - i am thinking of buying a megadeth shirt today.. he he..

Posted by Maiden Fan
Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Comment by FatherTime (Anonymous) - Friday, August 26, 2005
I agree with you, I never wear metal-like clothes, but that is no big deal either, because I think rock just means "do and wear what the fuck you feel", besides, the rock people I go with don't care about that either, they just wear what they want without looking bad at anyone...

Comment by Warlust & Barbeque (Anonymous) - Monday, May 21, 2007
It's funny how people who always say that they only wear what the like themselves, always create some big deal out of it.
An obsession with not being obsessed.
In reality, you think your awesome just because you wear 'what you like'.

Do you really think people would wear the 'Metal-Vest' if they thought it was uncomfortable? It would severely suck to wear something that was directly uncomfortable.
People (metallers, goths, what the fuck ever) wear what they wear because they like it.
I certainly hope goths likes wearing their clothes and heavy makeup. Otherwise why would they want to be 'goths' anyway!? Listening to goth music, does not make you goth. It's the attitude.

Same things doesn't really go for metal though. Metalheads do wear all kinds of stuff, and I don't see a reason to attemp putting those who likes wearing the typical metal clothes, into some fucking corner.
Anti-fashion is a fashion in itself.

Comment by Warlust & Barbeque (Anonymous) - Monday, May 21, 2007
And by the way.
It's also about supporting the bands that you appreciate.

Comment by sawblade (Anonymous) - Wednesday, June 20, 2007
yeah well morten i guess you really dont get it do you
and if i as a headbanger have to explain it to then its not'
even worth trying.

good for you your an individual you dont have to blend in thats great....but thats not why i wear a vest with patches on it....its just another why for a metal head to show their
allegieance to the bands they worship...kinda like wearing a favorite metal shirt

its not a fashion statement its not a uniform its a fuckin way of life asshole.....and your a poser

Comment by Someone (Anonymous) - Thursday, July 19, 2007
Sawblade,get a life

Comment by headbanger (Anonymous) - Friday, July 27, 2007
vests and patches, where i live, help make it known that you don't listen to soilwork and dimmu borgir, ha
denim and leather can be like a uniform, but its still personalized. more personalized than a black metal shirt and khaki shorts that most people wear. When you want to support less mainstream bands and be able to connect with people that like what you do, how you look can obviously be part of it.

Comment by METALHEAD#1 (Member) - Thursday, August 7, 2008
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Posted by METALHEAD#1
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Comment by drumdestroyer15 (Member) - Saturday, November 7, 2009
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first off i just think patched up jackets and vests look awesome, but everyone has there own opinion and thats fine. i think the main reason we wear vests and jackets however, and for myself this is why i do, is not try to "be" metal or show that we are but to support the bands and the scene. When you wear a jacket or vest its like putting up an advirtisment for your favorite bands, and if somebody sees a band they like but don't recognize other pacthes they might just go check em out and like them too!

Posted by drumdestroyer15
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Comment by Mthrasher666 (Member) - Friday, July 29, 2011
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The first that I want to tell you is that "good you are not a poser"

The second , You are right, Why they make the vest so ugly??? y dont know!!!
I have a denim vest but I dont uniform when I go to see Iron Maiden(example) My vest is MY VEST It has few patches because I like it like that, All the patches are in black and white because I like it like that I never try to seem like others I have the wish to have my long hair since I was 5 years old. Y dont use thight jeans I used black jeans because I like to I dont use the normal Thrash tennis I wear Shoes, normal boots etc... When it is hot I used shorts and sleve less shirts when it is cold i used normal shirts or long sleve shirts. And when it is a formal event I wear a formal shirt etc... METAL IS NOT A COSTUME METAL IS NOT A UNIFORM METAL IS A LIFE STYLE AND METAL COMES FROM THE HEART!!!

Now your answer: I think that the vest is for showing what are your favorite bands for example in my case, I have a Toxic Holocaust shirt but I dont have it in a patch because it isnt my favorite band I have a Carpathian forest shirt but it isnt in my vest In my vest is a big patch o bathory an slayer ,M W, Gorgoroth, Venom , Maiden Patches because they are my favorite bands!!! That is my point of view the other guys that have like 100 patches is because they like showing their selves they arent shure of theire selves and they want to confirm you that they are "metalheads" but the thing thay they dont uderstand is that a guy with suit can be a metalhead and a guy whith a leather jacket can be to!

Posted by Mthrasher666
Friday, July 29, 2011

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