Judas Priest - Sad Wings Of Destiny
Laying comfortably in my hand is the re-mastered version (re-released by CMC in 1996) of this dinosaur record, being Priest's second album, one that I still "hold" as a classic today.
No doubt that this piece was setting a high standard for many other NWOBHM bands to live up too, I guess one of the things that made Priest as big as they where (and still are) is the fact that they created music that had a special and unique feeling to it, challenging in an easily comprehensible way.

The album consists of a nice mix between simple, complex and quite captivating songs, the opener Victim Of Changes has remained a classic Priest song ever since its release. The grooving rhythm guitars, Halford's piercing voice, the dramatic midsection, the jamming bass play and the advanced sounding guitar solo's all help in making this a fantastic creation.

With The Ripper we have yet another Priest trademark. The simple but effective guitar work has a very forceful drive and the lead melody is highly melodic, great stuff.

Dream Deceiver has a splendid, sophisticated and mystic lyric that brings with it both confusion and hope, and musically the atmosphere is incredible. Just listen to the beginning where acoustic guitars and Rob's suiting voice create a dream world scenario, really magical. The almost sedative and at the same time glowing guitar solo part is also a real treat, and the piano outro sounds awesome.

Deceiver takes up speed and evolves into a great driving guitar ride. Quite powerful stuff and then it suddenly breaks completely into an acoustic ending theme, remarkable progressive and intriguing.

A mystic but pleasant sounding piano/guitar performance is found in the instrumental Prelude.

Tyrant sets in with a hard rocking and cool direct profile. I really like the varied drums in this one and of course the great melodic middle break followed by a some fantastic split guitar solos and twin harmonies.

Genocide is built upon a riff that doesn't contain that driving force that we are so used to from Priest, the minor incorporated guitar parts sound very striking though. A song which main rhythm appears a bit tame but it nevertheless has some cool breaks.

Epitaph is an odd song for Priest, but nevertheless one of my favourite ones.
A great dynamic piano is leading the way and together with the huge vocal performance and the stunning choirs it gives life to a most moving, spectacular, melancholic and at the same time thrilling creation. Amazing lyric about the certain death we all face and the importance of appreciating life when we got it.

A lot of drama and pace is found in the ending track Island Of Domination. Tight bass lines, a catchy chorus, clever guitar parts and a huge heavy break being some of the highlights.

The album flows in a very smooth and dynamic way, and this classic is both captivating, variable and cunning.

All band members put their special mark on this album, the vocals are fantastic, the guitars thrilling, the bass extremely grooving and a not that conspicuous but very solid drum effort.

The production has a special deep, live-ish, and foggy gleam that works splendid, a bit more clearness wouldn't have hurt but for the year 1976 this is a very good sound quality.

I have made a couple of comments on some of my favourite lyrics above, overall the quality is pretty good and they are nicely balanced into the songs.

As Black Sabbath was ahead of their time, Sad Wings Of Destiny was the beginning of new era in the history of Metal music and also an album that has some incredible and advanced cuts that still impresses so many years later.

Written by Tommy
Thursday, June 3, 2004
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Tommy: 8/10

Members: 9/10 - Average of 2 ratings.

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Rating: 10/10
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Rating: 8/10
While this album may not have the polish of many of the later Priest albums, this is where... · Read more ·

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Mads Aanum (Anonymous) - Thursday, June 3, 2004
A cool album indeed... my rating would be lower about 7 or 7,5/10... still close enough hahaha...

Comment by A.L. (Anonymous) - Monday, June 7, 2004
How about reviewing another classic from the year 76, Rainbow's Rising? I would be delighted to see some Dio era ainbow albums reviewed here, as this band too was quite ahead of its time plus having an all-star lineup...

P.S.:The fact that Roger Glover produced this album(not sure, though) made me think of rainbow. You know, R. Glover used to be in a band with a guitarist named Ritchie Blackmore...

Comment by Darren "Daz" Cox (Anonymous) - Monday, June 14, 2004
oh yeah, this one is a classic, one of those rare metal albums that you listen to 'cover to cover' without any sence of inconsistancy or annoyingly overplayed songs, one of the best...

Comment by i.Ron S. (Anonymous) - Monday, June 21, 2004
Actually the first album in the real Priest-style, however I think Rocka Rolla is a fantastic album too. I thought it had something to do with the producer who refused to put their popular songs on that first record and it became a more hard-rockstyled and not directly populair album(because their were allready enough bands with that style at that time).
So they are on this record, except Caviar and Meths, I feel they still have to make that 8 minute during version(2 minutes version was on the Rocka Rolla album).
But except the not perfect recording of this record, the songs have such a high intensity and it contains that classic, old sound that Judas Priest has lost when they became bigger(compared with albums like Defenders of the Faith).
It's something you must have when you love classic metal. I agree with the rating of 8.

Comment by Baz P (Anonymous) - Tuesday, October 19, 2004
This album took me a long time to really like it. Although Victim of Changes and Dreamer Deceiver caught me right away the album grew on me over time of listening to it.However i do feel this is an uneven album with some second rate fillers.In my opinion only Victim of Changes,Dreamer Deceiver and Deceiver warrant genuine quality.There are parts of the rest of the album that are good,but these three songs really stand out especially Victim of Changes that is an Exceptional song.I'm not a big fan of metal in general i prefer classical music,but i must admit when a friend lent me this album i was very impressed.Considering im quite a sceptic and i was quite bias against this album on first impressions it was that good to sway my opinion.Not many albums can do that.I would strongly recomend this album to anyone with musical taste.

Comment by Lars Enevoldsen (Anonymous) - Sunday, February 13, 2005
This album deserves a grade 10 simply because was so ahead of it's time. No other band besides Judas Priest were this heavy in 76 - this was the one that laid the groundwork for NWOBHM (Lets not forget Rainbow - rising either)

Comment by Cid (Anonymous) - Friday, April 6, 2007
8?¿?¿¿? 8?¿¿?¿?¿? no my friend¡¡¡¡ You would think that this album come from 1976¡¡¡ This si the very FIRT true HEAVY METAL album ever¡¡¡ Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and another ones play hard rock, heavy rock... but nobody make songs like The Ripper or Tyrant at date¡¡¡ This album is a fuckin MASTERPIECE¡¡¡ Is the Rosseta Stone of heavy metal¡¡¡ hell yeha¡¡¡¡¡

10/10 : all song are gold¡¡¡

Saludos hispanohablantes¡¡¡ :D

Review by hardrockfanatic (Member) - Thursday, May 6, 2010
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Comments: 1
Ratings: 10
While this album may not have the polish of many of the later Priest albums, this is where the band kicks into high gear. I really like JP's 70's output and this album is a clear sign that better things were to come.

Rating: 8/10

Posted by hardrockfanatic
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Review by Tommy

Released by
GULL - 1976

1. Victim Of Changes
2. The Ripper
3. Dream Deceiver
4. Deceiver
5. Prelude
6. Tyrant
7. Genocide
8. Epitaph
9. Island Of Domination

Heavy Metal

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Judas Priest - Official Website

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