Edguy - Vain Glory Opera
Vain Glory Opera came from out of nowhere in 1998 and introduced a relatively unknown band by the name of Edguy to the Metal world. Although they had released an album prior to this (Kingdom of Madness), Vain Glory Opera was the release that made Edguy. While their Helloween influence is quite clear, the beauty of Edguy's music is their ability to take elements of older Power Metal bands as a foundation and influence while still being completely original.

After a symphonic intro the album kicks off with one of its best tracks, Until We Rise Again - a speedy, ultra-melodic tune that blows me away every time I hear it. The first thing I noticed when I heard this track was the God-like singing of Tobias Sammet. He reminds me a little of Bruce Dickinson at times, although it seems that Tobi is able to hit higher notes while still maintaining a crystal clear voice. I consider Tobias to be one of the most talented and versatile singers in Metal today, along with Daniel Heiman from Lost Horizon and Blind Guardian's Hansi Kursch. From the unbridled aggression on tracks such as No More Foolin to the softer, more emotional side on Scarlet Rose, Sammet can do it all.

Guitarists Jens Ludwig and Dirk Sauer keep everything moving at a perfect pace with solid, chugging riffs and some very cool solos. Compared to Edguy's later material the guitar work on this album does seem a tad underdeveloped at times, but is in no way inadequate - it's just amazing to me how much these two guys have matured in their playing over the last few years. Although Jens and Dirk are more than able to handle the guitar duties on Vain Glory Opera, they do get some help from guest musician Timo Tolkki of Stratovarius on Out of Control (which is absolutely killer!). Timo and Jens trade solos with each other on this track, and when it's Timo's turn he just buries the young guitarist! It's as if Timo is saying with each solo, "Yeah, that's not bad kid, but watch this." :)

Felix Bohnke displays some amazing talents on the drums from start to finish on Vain Glory Opera. The double bass attacks on Until We Rise Again and Fairytale never fail to get me banging my head, and there are a handful of extremely satisfying breaks and fills throughout the album. He most certainly deserves his title of Alien Drum Bunny.

Mr. Tolkki isn't the only Metal veteran to guest on this album - Hansi Kursch himself lends his voice to my two favorite tracks, Out of Control and the title track. His performance on Out of Control especially sends chills down my spine every time I hear it. When he belts out, "My life is a chamber of tears, fear, and hate!" it's just the PERFECT addition to this song, and part of what makes it so special to me.

The title track deserves special mention as well. It begins with a simple, yet extremely uplifting keyboard melody that sets it apart from the rest of the tracks on the album. It reminds me a little of the keyboard melody from Europe's The Final Countdown. After a few seconds the guitars come in and set a mid-tempo pace that stays fairly consistent throughout the song. The chorus is by far the catchiest out of all of the songs on this disc, and everytime I hear it I end up singing along (and if I'm at home, my cats sing along with me - but they're not very good. :))

As far as negative aspects, there really aren't many that I can think of. Walk on Fighting is probably my least favorite track on the album, only because it never really grabbed me. Still, the performances on that track are all nearly perfect and it's still highly listenable.

This album is a Melodic Power Metal masterpiece from start to finish, and I would recommend it highly to any fan of Metal. The speedy tracks make me want to raise my fist in the air and sing along (which I usually do), and Scarlet Rose may be the best ballad Edguy has put out thus far. If you aren't familiar with Edguy, this is the perfect place to start. Hellfire Club may have more balls, and Theater of Salvation is a more mature album, but Vain Glory Opera is classic, perfect Edguy from beginning to end. Go buy it!!!

Written by Matthew
Thursday, May 13, 2004
Show all reviews by Matthew


Matthew: 9.5/10

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RevelationZ Comments

Comment by Edguyer (Anonymous) - Saturday, May 15, 2004
hello Matt and congratulations to your fine post as a reviewer and a member of the revelationz Magazine :D. This review is just perfect. I totally agree with your words about Tolkki and Kursch and yes, this is THE greatest voice of the metal world, which belongs to Sir Tobias Sammet. No doubt about that, and there are no doubts about his rare talent to mix together musicans along with his masterpieces!!! hope you stay here as long as possible and I wish you good luck in the future..:)

Comment by Matthew (Anonymous) - Sunday, May 16, 2004
Thanks Edguyer! Yeah, I totally agree with you about Sammet - everything is puts out just blows me away. I've been listening to HELLFIRE CLUB almost every day for the past few weeks, and I can't get enough of it. Everytime something comes out with his name on it, I get excited. Thanks for the kind words, and keep visiting the site for updates! :)

Comment by Storm Hammer (Anonymous) - Sunday, May 16, 2004
Hey Matt.. awesome review dude, keep up the good work. I've been a fan of Edguy for some time now and yes Tobias Sammet is awesome and is destined to become one of metal's vocal gods on par with Bruce Dickinson (Iron maiden), Rob Halford (ex- Judas Priest) and Geoff Tate (queensryche). It's also awesome that this band started kicking out awesome metal when they were all teens. The Metal universe is changing and is getting bigger and bands like Edguy, Hammerfall, etc.. lead the charge while veterans like Maiden can still kick the ass out of any pop/rap/dance/whatever crap song. METAL WILL NEVER DIE. I SALUTE THOSE WHO ROCK!!!!

Comment by Mads Aanum (Anonymous) - Tuesday, May 18, 2004
I really like this album, and I was amazed by the power of it when I heard it the first time. I think there are many great tracks on this album. But somehow I just don't think your rating Matt is close to my rating of it, mine is about 7 or 8/10.
Mads Aanum

Comment by ardari(from:indonesia) (Anonymous) - Friday, March 11, 2005
something hiden in this album.beware your ears.

Review by Matthew

Released by
AFM Records - 1998

1. Overture
2. Until We Rise Again
3. How Many Miles
4. Scarlet Rose
5. Out of Control
6. Vain Glory Opera
7. Fairytale
8. Walk on Fighting
9. Tomorrow
10. No More Foolin'
11. Hymn

Power Metal

Related links
Visit the band page

Edguy - Official Website

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1 - Horrifying
2 - Terrible
3 - Bad
4 - Below average
5 - Average
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7 - Very good
8 - Outstanding
9 - Genius
10 - Masterpiece
666 - Unrated

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